[sv-bc] Re: FW: [sv-ec] Section 19 of Draft - Interfaces

Subject: [sv-bc] Re: FW: [sv-ec] Section 19 of Draft - Interfaces
From: Michael Burns (Michael.Burns@motorola.com)
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 12:45:31 PDT

The problem I see with your proposed syntax is that, without looking
at the port declaration (i.e., without knowing how big the port is or
how the bits are numbered), you have no idea if you're connecting to
the MSB of the port, the LSB, some bit in the middle, or even an
illegal bit (for example, the port declaration could specify a range
of [7:4]). Right now, I think you can also do this:

   wire wir1,wir2,wir3;
   dummy dummy_inst(.A({wir1,,}), .B(wir2), .Y(wir3));

to connect to the third-least-significant bit, though you may have to
endure compiler warnings about mismatched connection sizes.

Mike Burns

>A question sent to the EC reflector that I think BC may also want to answer.
>David W. Smith
>Synopsys Scientist
>Synopsys, Inc.
>Synopsys Technology Park
>2025 NW Cornelius Pass Road
>Hillsboro, OR 97124
>Voice: 503.547.6467
>Main: 503.547.6000
>FAX: 503.547.6906
>Email: david.smith@synopsys.com
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-sv-ec@eda.org [mailto:owner-sv-ec@eda.org] On Behalf Of
>Raghuraman R
>Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:11 PM
>To: sv-ec@eda.org
>Subject: [sv-ec] Section 19 of Draft - Interfaces
>In the module instantiation section, I have this issue.
>If we are having a module having a port say
>module dummy (A, B, Y)
>input [0:3] A;
>input B;
>output Y;
>and we want to instantiate the module dummy with only bit of the port A
>instantiated, we need something like this
>wire wir1,wir2,wir3;
>dummy dummy_inst(.A[1](wir1), .B(wir2), .Y(wir3));
>Currently the way to do it is
>dummy dummy_inst(.A{,wir1,,,},.B(wir2), .Y(wir3));
>But for this, we have to know the size of the port, but I think with the
>existing information, one should to be able to instantiate and proceed.
>Raghuraman R
>Texas Instruments (India) Ltd.
>Phone : +91-80-5099113
>* Think. *

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