Subject: [sv-bc] Proposal for amending extern module
From: Kevin Cameron x3251 (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 15:09:46 PST
At the end of 12.7.4 ADD:
To support separate compilation, extern declarations of a
module can be used to declare the ports on a module without defining
the module itself. An extern module declaration
consists of the keyword extern followed by the module name,
the list of ports for the module, a semicolon and the keyword
endmodule. Both list of ports syntax (possibly with parameters), and
original Verilog style port declarations may be used. Note that the potential
existence of defparams precludes the checking of the
port connection information prior to elaboration time even for
list of ports style declarations.
The following example demonstrates the usage of extern
module declarations.
extern module m (a,b,c,d); endmodule
extern module a #(parameter size= 8, parameter type TP = logic[7:0])
(input [size:0] a, output TP b); endmodule
module top ();
wire [8:0] a;
logic [7:0] b;
m m (.*);
a a (.*);
Modules m and a are then assumed to be instantiated as:
module top ();
m m (a,b,c,d);
a a (a,b);
If an extern declaration exists for a module, it is possible to
use .* as the ports of the module. This usage will be equivalent
to placing the ports (and possibly parameters) of the extern
declaration on the module. For example,
extern module m (a,b,c,d); endmodule
extern module a #(parameter size= 8, parameter type TP = logic[7:0])
(input [size:0] a, output TP b); endmodule
module m (.*);
input a,b,c;
output d;
module a (.*);
is equivalent to writing:
module m (a,b,c,d);
input a,b,c;
output d;
module a #(parameter size= 8, parameter type TP = logic[7:0])
(input [size:0] a, output TP b);
Extern module declarations can appear at any level of the
instantiation hierarchy, but are visible only within the level of
hierarchy in which they are declared. It shall be an error for
the module definition to not exactly match the extern module
The keyword extern can be used in the same manner with interfaces
and primitive declarations.
module_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [parameter_port_list ]
list_of_ports ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { module_item }
| {attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ; [ timeunits_declaration ] {non_port_module_item }
module_nonansi_header ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [parameter_port_list ]
list_of_ports ;
module_ansi_header ::=
{attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ;
module_declaration ::=
module_nonansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { module_item } endmodule
| module_ansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { non_port_module_item } endmodule
| { attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier ( .* ) ;
[ timeunits_declaration ] { module_item } endmodule
| extern module_nonansi_header endmodule
| extern module_ansi_header endmodule
interface_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } interface interface_identifier [ parameter_port_list ]
list_of_ports ; [ timeunits_declaration ] { interface_item }
endinterface [ :interface_identifier ]
| {attribute_instance } interface interface_identifier [ parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ; [ timeunits_declaration ] {non_port_interface_item }
endinterface [ :interface_identifier ]
interface_nonansi_header ::=
{ attribute_instance } interface interface_identifier [ parameter_port_list ]
list_of_ports ;
interface_ansi_header ::=
{attribute_instance } interface interface_identifier [ parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ;
interface_declaration ::=
interface_nonansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] { interface_item }
endinterface [ :interface_identifier ]
| interface_ansi_header [ timeunits_declaration ] {non_port_interface_item }
endinterface [ :interface_identifier ]
| { attribute_instance } interface_keyword interface_identifier ( .* ) ;
[ timeunits_declaration ] { interface_item } endinterface [:interface_identifier ]
| extern interface_nonansi_header endinterface
| extern interface_ansi_header endinterface
In A.5.1
udp_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_port_list) ;
udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration }
| { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier (udp_declaration_port_list) ;
udp_nonansi_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_port_list) ;
udp_ansi_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier (udp_declaration_port_list) ;
udp_declaration ::=
udp_nonansi_declaration udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration }
| udp_ansi_declaration udp_body primitive
| extern udp_nonansi_declaration endprimitive
| extern udp_ansi_declaration endprimitive
| { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( .*) ;
{udp_port_declaration} udp_body endprimitive
-- National Semiconductor, Tel: (408) 721 3251 2900 Semiconductor Drive, Mail Stop D3-500, Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090
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