[sv-bc] SystemVerilog 3.1 Draft 4 LRM and review process

Subject: [sv-bc] SystemVerilog 3.1 Draft 4 LRM and review process
From: Vassilios.Gerousis@Infineon.Com
Date: Sat Mar 22 2003 - 02:11:31 PST

Dear SV members,
        The SV chairs have met to discuss current status and how to move
forward in the next month. My deepest appreciation to everyone and
especially for those special working groups that have proven to work in an
excellent teamwork spirit. This teamwork should continue for the remainder
of the final milestones within each committee.

Current Assessment
        All language design have been completed by every committee. Each
committee should have closed on all issues by early next week. All items
targeted for LRM 3.1 have been voted on and accepted by each committee.

        With this, every committee have achieved another major milestone to
solidify the content of 3.1. All issues have been frozen and should be
resolved early next week.

        The SV chairs and Stuart Sutherland are working very hard to get all
content frozen, agreed upon for inclusion into SV 3.1 Draft 4. Draft 4 is
targeted for release and review by April 1. As such we need to define the
process for review.

        The SV chairs have agreed on the following:

1- We will send a copy of draft 4 to one or two experts in the industry for
consistency review. The people are experts in this field and at the same
time not involved in this committee work. This review is primarily to ensure
that people outside SV committee can comprehend the LRM.
We will remove ambiguities and also add clarification based on this review.
        - My hope is that some of you will read this from first cover to the
final cover and provide helpful hints and corrections.

2- The length of Draft 4 review is two weeks. Draft 5 will go for one week
review only.

3- Each committee in addition to its own work review, will attempt to review
at least another committee's work. So here is the assignment that we ended
up with:
        a- SV-EC will review the work of SV-BC.
        b- SV-BC will review the work of SV-EC.
        c- SV-AC will review the work of SV-CC.
        d- SV-CC will review the work of SV-AC.

4- We have spent more than 8 months designing, discussing each item in the
LRM. These items are fixed by voting that was done in each committee. So the
review process is not intended to re-design the language or each item. The
goal is to discover ambiguities and inconstancies, especially between
different committees work.
Rules that should be adopted to speed the review and resolution:
        a- Everything in the LRM Draft4 is solid and has been voted on by
each committee. - This means these items cannot be removed
or modified.
        b- The SV chairs have identified a champion for each committee to
provide additional clarification. The champions are:
                - Arturo.Salz@synopsys.com for SV Testbench.
                - Dave Rich [David.Rich@synopsys.com] For SV Basic.
                - Joao.Geada@synopsys.com for SV-CC
                - Faisal/Stephen will assign a champion soon for SV-AC.
        c- Conflict will be resolved by each champion: Please remember, that
issues are primarily targeted for clarification and not modification of
language or semantics.
        d- Types of issues are (ambiguity, typos, mistakes in BNF,
appropriate people are acknowledged, conflicts between items (data types,
        e- All issues should be sent to David Smith with a copy to the
appropriate committee in charge.
                - David Smith has already built a special web site for Draft
4 LRM issues.
                - Resolutions will also be included by each champion.
                - These resolution and any updates of each committee LRM
will be targeted for
                Draft 5 of the LRM (Targeted for April 15).
                - Draft 5 will go for one week review to make sure that
updates are done properly.
        f- Each committee will vote on Draft 5 as the final draft that will
be sent to both the TCC and Accellera Board for final review.
                - This vote will start on April 23 and end by April 29.
                - This vote will be done by qualified Accellera member
company (not individuals). - Each committee will vote only on
its own work.
        g- Stuart will generate a final draft on April 29. This draft will
go through review process for typos and minor changes of text, or BNF.
        h- A final clean LRM will be published by May 26 as Accellera HDVL
Standard 3.1.

Thank you.


Dr. Vassilios Gerousis
Chief Scientist
Infineon Technologies
D-81541 Munich
BalanSt. 73
Telephone: +49-89-234-21342
Fax: +49-89-234-23650
email: Vassilios.Gerousis@infineon.com
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