Re: [sv-bc] Separate Compilation Meeting Monday 6/9/03

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Separate Compilation Meeting Monday 6/9/03
From: Adam Krolnik (
Date: Wed Jun 18 2003 - 08:18:15 PDT

Hi Randy;

On the surface, namespaces look like modules. It may be helpful in analyzing
this to see a comparison between modules and namespaces.

You also write that import statements outside a module or scope will affect subsequent
module or interface scopes.

Do import statements only have file scope? Or could one import something for the first
file and have subsequent files obtain the effects of the import?

I presume they have file scope. Thus for files with multiple modules one import is

For the import statement, why would it be necessary to say

import Myspace.*;

Other languages (such as Perl) only require reference to the name to import all
the definitions:

use Getopt::Long; # Get all definitions

import Complex; // Get all verilog complex math functions.

Can one import a wire/net declared in the namespace? What does this mean? a wire
that is shared by all modules importing it? What does it mean if you import a
wire but are not in a module scope? in a named scope?


    Adam Krolnik
    Verification Mgr.
    LSI Logic Corp.
    Plano TX. 75074

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