[sv-bc] Clarify concatenation of strings with other elements.

Subject: [sv-bc] Clarify concatenation of strings with other elements.
From: Adam Krolnik (krolnik@lsil.com)
Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 11:16:02 PST

Good afternoon.

The IEEE BTF was asked a question about attributes.

Reading SystemVerilog, table 3-2 about string concatenation, I do not understand
now concatenation of dissimilar elements works.

E.g. What should this produce?

genvar i;

   generate for(i=0; i<=7; i = i + 1) ...

     (* xc_rloc={"R",i,"C0.S0"}, xc_uset="SET1" *)

What does {"R",i,"C0.S0"} mean when not all values are strings, and the context
is an attribute? Do you get a string - i == 2 => xc_rloc = "R2C0.S0"?

Maybe table 3-2 can be clarified for cases involving types other than string.
Or is the result, a non-string?

     Adam Krolnik
     Verification Mgr.
     LSI Logic Corp.
     Plano TX. 75074
     Co-author "Assertion Based Design"

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