[sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC-82

Subject: [sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC-82
From: Dave Rich (David.Rich@synopsys.com)
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 15:04:21 PST

Here is the updated wording as was suggested in 11/24 meeting

REPLACE section 3.13 with the following

3.13 Singular and Aggregate types

Data types are categorized as either singular or aggregate. A singular type shall be any data type except an unpacked structure, union, or array(See section 4 Arrays). An aggregate type shall be any unpacked structure, union, or array data type. A singular variable or expression represents a single value, symbols, or handle. Aggregate expressions and variables represent a set or collection of singular values. Integral types are always singular even though they may be sliced into multiple singular values.

These categories are defined so that operators and functions may simply refer to these data types as a collective group. For example, some functions recursively descend into an aggregate variable until reaching an singular value, and then perform an operation on each singular value.

Note that although a class is a type, there are no variables or expressions of class type directly, only class object handles which are singular. So classes need not be categorized in this manner. (See section 11 Classes)

ADD the word in blue to section 4.6 Dynamic Arrays

Dynamic arrays are one-dimensional unpacked arrays whose size can be set or changed at runtime.

ADD the sentence in blue to section 4.9 Associative Arrays

Array elements in associative arrays are allocated dynamically; an entry is created the first time it is written. The associative array maintains the entries that have been assigned values and their relative order according to the index data type. Associative arrays elements are unpacked, meaning that other than copying or comparing arrays, you must select an individual element out of the array before using it in most expressions.

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