[sv-bc] Minutes of the January 5, 2004 SV-BC Meeting

Subject: [sv-bc] Minutes of the January 5, 2004 SV-BC Meeting
From: Brad Pierce (Brad.Pierce@synopsys.com)
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 18:39:03 PST

Minutes of the January 5, 2004 SV-BC Meeting (Design Modeling Committee)

010021121211 Day
011111111000 Month
000000000000 Year

--------------a Tom Kiley - Mentor
aaaaa-aaaa--aaa Matt Maidment - Intel
aaaa-aaaaaaaaaa Brad Pierce - Synopsys
-aaaaaaaaaaaa-a Karen Pieper - Synopsys
aaa-a-aaaa---aa Johny Srouji - Intel
a---a--aa-aaaaa Dan Jacobi - Intel
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dave Rich - Synopsys
aaa-aaaa-aa-aaa Francoise Martinolle- Cadence
--a-a-aaaa-aa-a Jay Lawrence - Cadence
-------aaaaaaa- Dennis Brophy - Mentor
----------a--a- Vassilios Gerousis - Infineon
a-a-aa-aa-aaa-- Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design
aaaaaaaaaaaaa-- Mark Hartoog - Synopsys
a--------a--a-- Don Mills - LCDM Engineering
-aaa-aa--aa---- Doug Warmke - Mentor
aaaaaaaaaaa---- Rishiyur Nikhil - Bluespec
------a-a-a---- Stu Sutherland - Sutherland HDL-
-aaaa-aaa------ Peter Flake - Synopsys

Meeting Minutes:
Cliff notes that the minutes title was wrong, should have been Dec. 11
instead of Dec. 8, that the next meeting should have been Jan. 5
instead of Dec. 11, that it should have said that Cliff attended
instead of that he didn’t. (Cliff also notes that no comments about
his proposal had been recorded in the minutes.) With those changes,
Cliff moves that we accept the minutes of 12/11/03. Nikhil seconds.
No opposed. No abstains. Passes.

New Action Items:

Johny to discuss schedule with Vassilios and adjust SV-BC meeting
schedule if necessary.

Dave to make a proposal for SV-BC 105 and 124 (one proposal will
cover both) and a proposal for the issue of message 1376 from
Paul Graham.

Cliff to review his proposal for SV-BC 54 against Draft 2 and send
his proposal out by the end of Jan. 5 to the reflector for an e-mail
vote to be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 5pm EST.

Johny to conduct e-mail vote on Cliff’s proposal for SV-BC 54.


3 proposals passed
SV-BC 16, Dave proposes the following

    In section 18.6 nested modules, add the following paragraph
    after “This allows the same module name, e.g. and2, to occur
    in different parts of the design and represent different modules.
    Note that an alternative way of handling this problem is to use

          Nested modules with no ports that are not explicitly
          instantiated shall be implicitly instantiated once with
          an instance name identical to the module name. Otherwise,
          if they have ports, if not explicitly instantiated, they
          are ignored.

    Cliff seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes.

and Dave further proposes that a new section 18.7 called "Extern
Modules" should be begun preceding the following paragraph in
section 18.6 "To support separate compilation, extern declarations
of a module can be used to declare the ports on a module
without defining the module itself...." Cliff seconds. No opposed.
No abstains. Passes.

Brad proposes that in 3.11, REPLACE

   "One or more elements of the packed array can be selected"


   "One or more bits of a packed structure can be selected
    as if it were a packed array"

Cliff seconds. No opposed. No abstains. Passes.

7 issues closed (96, 97, 111, 112, 116, 118, 138)
SV-BC 96 – Dave moves to close as duplicate of SV-BC 49 and SV-BC 53,
both of which have passed. Nikhil seconds. No opposed. No abstains.

SV-BC 97 – Dave moves to close because already defined in 12.4 of V2K
standard. (Note that interfaces do not get implicitly instantiated,
but programs do. There is an open issue about programs.)
Nikhil seconds. No opposed. Francoise abstains. Closed.

SV-BC 111 and SV-BC 138 – Dave moves to close as covered by SV-BC 53.
Francoise seconds. No opposed. No abstains. Closed.

SV-BC 112 – Dave moves to close. Nikhil seconds. No opposed.
No abstains. Closed.

SV-BC 116 – Dave moves to close because rendered irrelevant
by SV-BC 103 (enum labels are no longer used to specify the
type of the enum). Francoise seconds. No opposed. No abstains.

SV-BC 118 – Dave moves to close. Francoise seconds. No opposed.
No abstains. Closed.

1 issue discussed (54)
Discussion on Cliff’s latest for SV-BC 54, led by Cliff. This
completed a discussion started on Dec. 11.

1 issue deferred (74)
Brad moves to defer issue SV-BC 74 to next release. Nikhil seconds.
No opposed. No abstains. Passes.

1 issue forwarded to SV-EC (117)
Issue SV-BC 117 is forwarded to the SV-EC.

Meeting adjourns.

Our next meeting is 01/19/04 at 9am Pacific, but that date
is subject to change based on Johny’s discussion with Vassilios.
(See first action item above.)

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