Re: [sv-bc] Re: SV31A LRM interpretation for: unique case

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Re: SV31A LRM interpretation for: unique case
From: Dave Rich (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 10:05:52 PST

In Verilog, there are three types of case statements, introduced by
case, casez and casex. With SystemVerilog, each of these can be qualified by priority or unique. A priority case shall act on the first match only. A unique case shall guarantee no check for overlapping case values items, allowing the case items to be evaluated in parallel. A unique case shall issue an warning message if more than one case item matches the case expression. If the case is qualified as priority or unique, the simulator shall issue an error warning message if an unexpectedno case value item is foundmatches. These warnings can be issued at either compile time or run time, as soon as it is possible to determine the illegal condition. wrote:
I still have some problems with the wording.

The LRM says,
"A unique case shall guarantee no overlapping case values".
(Read "items" for "values".)

This is incorrect. It does not "guarantee" anything.
It does not go and change the code I have typed in.
At most, it checks whether there are overlaps and warns me about it.

Second, the wording for "unique if" is,
"A software tool shall issue an error if it determines that more than one 
condition is, or can be, true. A software tool shall also issue an error 
if it determines that no condition is true, or it is possible that no 
condition is true, and the final if does not have a corresponding else."

This wording implies that the check is a static one, performed at 
compilation time, whereas the discussion in the last mails about
'unique case' talks about run-time errors.
Yes, they can be checked statically, if the tool can do it, but not required. Note that your linting tool is being conservative. A static check for simulation means that there would be an error each time the statement executed. A formal tool would check for an error over all the possible legal inputs..

Third, regarding "overlapping case items": 
In the given example,

unique casex (value)
     'b111x, `b11x1:    $display( "case item 1 executed" );     //1st case item - has multiple true case expressions
     'b1101:            $display( "case item 2 executed" );     //2nd case item - has no true case expression

in actual fact, the case items DO overlap. 'b11x1 overlaps 'b1101. 
'b11x1 is a superset of 'b1101. This has nothing to do with the whether or
not the value 'b1101 actually occurs during simulation. If you give this
to a lint tool, it WILL tell you that the case items overlap.

Changed to say that multiple case items must match the case expression.

Finally, the LRM also says,
"If the case is qualified as priority or unique, the simulator shall issue
an error message if an unexpected case value is found."

The word "unexpected" is out-of-place.
The simulator has no idea what is expected or unexpected,
only whether values are specified or not, or fulfill one or more of the
case items or not.

An unspecified value can be expected, and a specified value can be 
Changed to say that no items match

I suspect that after getting answers to these questions,
I will have further problems with the current or corrected language.


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