Section A.2.1.3, A.2.2.1, A.9.3, Syntax 3-1, Syntax 3-2
User-defined types (revised)

In A.2.1.3 and Syntax 3-2 REPLACE

            type_declaration ::=

                        typedef [ data_type ] type_declaration_identifier ;

            |           typedef hierarchical_identifier . type_identifier type_declaration_identifer ;

            |           typedef [ class ] class_identifier ;

            |           typedef class_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ]

 type_declaration_identifier ;



            type_declaration ::=

                        typedef data_type type_identifier variable_dimension ;

|           typedef interface_instance_identifier . type_identifier type_identifer ;

            |           typedef [ enum | struct | union | class ] type_identifier ;


In A.2.2.1 and Syntax 3-1, in data_type_common_item, REPLACE

            |           type_declaration_identifier { packed_dimension }


            |           type_identifier { packed_dimension }


In A.9.3, REMOVE
