Section 6.9.1, 6.9.2
Type compatibility

MODIFY Clause  6.9.1 as follows:


1)       A simple bit vector type that does not have a predefined width and one that does have a predefined width

      match if both are 2-state or both are 4-state, both are signed or both are unsigned, both have the same width,

            and the range of the simple bit vector type without a predefined width is [width-1:0].right range bound of the

            simple bit vector type without a predefined width is zero.


typedef bit signed [7:0] BYTE; // matches the byte type

typedef bit signed [0:7] ETYB; // does not match the byte type


    7) Explicitly adding signed or unsigned modifiers to a type that does not

change its default signing, does not create a non-matching type.


Explicitly adding signed or unsigned modifiers to a type that does not

change its default signing, creates a type which matches the type

without the explicit signing specification.


MODIFY Clause 6.9.2 as follows:


Two data types shall be defined as equivalent data types using the following inductive definition. If the two data

types are not defined equivalent using the following definition, then they shall be defined to be non-equivalent.


1) If two types match, they are equivalent. Any built-in type is equivalent to every other occurrence of itself, in every scope.


2) A simple typedef or type parameter override that renames a built-in or user-defined type is equivalent to that

built-in or user-defined type within the scope of the type identifier.


typedef bit node; // 'bit' and 'node' are equivalent types

typedef type1 type2; // 'type1' and 'type2' are equivalent types


2) 3) An anonymous enum, unpacked struct, or unpacked union type is equivalent to itself among data objects

declared within the same declaration statement and no other data types.


struct {int A; int B;} AB1, AB2; // AB1, AB2 have equivalent types

struct {int A; int B;} AB3; // AB3 is not type equivalent to AB1


4) A typedef for an enum, unpacked struct, or unpacked union, or a class is equivalent to itself and to data

objects that are declared using that data type within the scope of the data type identifier.


typedef struct {int A; int B;} AB_t;

AB_t AB1; AB_t AB2; // AB1 and AB2 have equivalent types


typedef struct {int A; int B;} otherAB_t;

otherAB_t AB3; // AB3 is not type equivalent to AB1 or AB2


3) 5) Packed arrays, packed structures, and built-in integral types are equivalent if they contain the same number

of total bits, are either all 2-state or all 4-state, and are either all signed or all unsigned. Note that if any bit of

a packed structure or union is 4-state, the entire structure or union is considered 4-state.


typedef bit signed [7:0] BYTE; // equivalent to the byte type

typedef struct packed signed {bit[3:0] a, b;} uint8;

// equivalent to the byte type


4) 6) Unpacked array types are equivalent by having equivalent element types and identical shape. Shape is

defined as the number of dimensions and the number of elements in each dimension, not the actual range of

the dimension.


bit [9:0] A [0:5];

bit [1:10] B [6];

typedef bit [10:1] uint10;

uint10 C [6:1]; // A, B and C have equivalent types

typedef int anint [0:0]; // anint is not type equivalent to int


7) Explicitly adding signed or unsigned modifiers to a type that does not change its default signing, does not

create a non-equivalent type. Otherwise, the signing must match to have equivalence


typedef bit unsigned ubit; // type equivalent to bit


8) A typedef for an enum, unpacked struct, or unpacked union, or a class type declared in a package is always

equivalent to itself, regardless of the scope where the type is imported.


MODIFY Clause 5.2 as follows:


SystemVerilog accepts a single positive number, as an alternative to a range, to specify the size of an unpacked array, like

C. That is, [size] becomes the same as [0:size-1]. For example:


     int Array[8][32]; is the same as: int Array[0:7][0:31];