RE: SystemVerilog 3.0 Is An Accellera Standard

Subject: RE: SystemVerilog 3.0 Is An Accellera Standard
From: Vassilios.Gerousis@Infineon.Com
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 07:53:53 PST

The conflict that we may see today with IEEE 1364 are BNF issues. At least
this what I have seen so far from the email traffic on different reflectors.
IEEE committee is working on Second Edition of IEEE 1364. This will require
changes in the BNF. SystemVerilog 3.1 will be developed based on the second
edition 1364. In this manner we will be synchronized. This will be discussed
more in the face to face meeting.

In terms of your second question. It is Accellera mode of operation to
finally transfer its standards into IEEE for further adoption. We have done
this with OVI standard and this will not change. I am currently in
discussion with Michael McNamara on this exact topic. When we come to an
agreement will discuss with the committee and finally with the board. So
keep tuned.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erich Marschner []
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:16 PM
To: Gerousis Vassilios (CL DAT CS);
Cc: Stan Krolikoski; Jay Lawrence
Subject: RE: SystemVerilog 3.0 Is An Accellera Standard


Thanks for the clarification. Can you also address how and when conflicts
between System Verilog 3.0 and IEEE 1364 Verilog will be addressed? If
System Verilog 3.0 is stable at this point, does that mean that you do not
expect it to change to be consistent with IEEE 1364 Verilog? If so, does
that mean that you expect System Verilog to exist as a separate standard?



Erich Marschner, Cadence Design Systems
Senior Architect, Advanced Verification
Phone: +1 410 750 6995 Email:
Vmail: +1 410 872 4369 Email:

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Vassilios.Gerousis@Infineon.Com
| [mailto:Vassilios.Gerousis@Infineon.Com]
| Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 2:46 AM
| To:
| Subject: SystemVerilog 3.0 Is An Accellera Standard
| Dear SV-BC members,
| I want to clarify that SystemVerilog 3.0 is an
| Accellera Standard.
| We have offered to help clarify or enhance SystemVerilog. As language
| becomes a standard, users and EDA vendors must look at this
| as a stable
| standard ready for implementation. We also need to have a
| stable base to
| help in the development of additional components of
| SystemVerilog 3.1. We
| have provided an opportunity to correct mistakes or problems
| that were
| encountered during implementation. Harry Foster has
| implemented one of the
| assertion and found a mistake and this is being corrected,
| as an example.
| Intel is providing good feedback on the BNF.
| As we put the different components we may have to adjust certain
| things, but that will be kept at minimum. So I urge you that
| examine your
| work as clarification and enhancements to the existing
| capabilities. If the
| interface require additional improvement, then you need to
| build a proposal
| to do so.
| Best Regards
| Vassilios
| -------------------------------------------------------------
| ---------------
| --------------------------------------------------
| Dr. Vassilios Gerousis
| Chief Scientist
| Infineon Technologies
| DAT CS, MchB
| D-81541 Munich
| Germany
| BalanSt. 73
| Telephone: +49-89-234-21342
| Fax: +49-89-234-23650
| email:
| Site Map:

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