packed arrays other than bit,logic,reg and wire

Subject: packed arrays other than bit,logic,reg and wire
From: Dave Rich (
Date: Thu Jan 16 2003 - 11:35:54 PST

Here is another potential BNF error

Section 4.2 says
Packed arrays can only be made of the single bit types: bit, logic, reg,
wire, and the other net types.

However the BNF is in error and says you can pack integer type arrays also.
A.2.2.1 Net and variable types
data_type ::=
integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } [ range ]
| integer_atom_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } <-- this is not allowed
| type_declaration_identifier
| non_integer_type
| struct [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } }
| union [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } }
| enum [ integer_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } ]
{ enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] { , enum_identifier [ =
constant_expression ] } }
| void

A.2.2.1 Net and variable types
data_type ::=
integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } [ range ]
| integer_atom_type [ signing ]
| type_declaration_identifier
| non_integer_type
| struct [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } }
| union [ packed ] [ signing ] { { struct_union_member } }
| enum [ integer_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension } ]
{ enum_identifier [ = constant_expression ] { , enum_identifier [ =
constant_expression ] } }
| void

Dave Rich
Principal Engineer, CAE, VTG
Tel:  650-584-4026
Cell: 510-589-2625

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