Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for extern modules

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for extern modules
From: Adam Krolnik (
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 15:14:50 PST

Hi Karen;

You wrote:

>In the proposal, note that the use of extern modules is not required, the proposal
>merely allows their declaration. It would be up to the tool to decide whether or
>not the declaration was required.

I would hope that a tool would not have to ask the user to do this. Asking the user
will create additional work that may become out of date or require a methodology as
I suggested. If major tools did require this declaration then the utility of the
".*" port connectivity would be lessened.

>I could easily imagine an awk script that scans a library and
>creates a header file from modules declared in the library.

Of course, and with this idea I ask why any tool could not implement the same thing
instead of requiring the user to do it themselves. You know, not all engineers are
proficient with awk and perl...

After thinking a little more about this, doesn't it seem strange to ask for a module
header(s) so that you can compile one module independently from the rest. Wouldn't
you be compiling them soon also? And if they are already compiled, they presumably
you could get the required information from the already compiled form.

   Thanks Karen;

      Adam Krolnik
      Verification Mgr.
      LSI Logic Corp.
      Plano TX. 75074

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