Re: [sv-bc] RE: [sv-ec] Question: logic & reg - what is the difference?

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] RE: [sv-ec] Question: logic & reg - what is the difference?
From: Stephen Williams (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 19:29:38 PDT

Kevin Said:
> >A "reg" is actually a composite object, it is the combination of a driver
> >and a wire. When you write to it you are assigning to the driver and when
> >you read you get the wire value (the resolution of all the drivers of the
> >wire). "logic" is the (default) type of the driver.

Steven Sharp said:
> I am afraid you are confused here. A reg is not resolved. When you write
> to it, you write to the actual value. When you read from it, you get the
> last value that was written. It works just like a variable in a normal
> programming language.

I agree with Steve here. A reg is a variable in exactly the same sense
as a variable in C. Drivers from reg objects are a consequence of their
use, and *not* their existance. To wit:

    reg foo;

    wire bar = foo;
    wire bel = foo;

Two drivers here, each associated with the continuous assignment. One
might protest that even that is only one driver. In fact, a compiler
may choose here to implement the two drivers as one driver with a fan-
out of 2, but consider this:

    reg foo;
    reg bar;

    wire bat, bell;
    assign bat = foo;
    assign bat = bar;
    assign bell = foo;

The compiler must make two drivers here, lest a single driver from
reg foo would cause a connection between bat and bell, which is not

So a reg is a variable, plain and simple. The drivers from a reg are
aspects of assignments into nets, and I have the bug reports as proof:-)

(In fact, a vpi_put_value to one of the nets bar or bel in the first
example can further entangle you if you have the wrong model in your

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at           But I have promises to keep,
steve at         and lines to code before I sleep,       And lines to code before I sleep."

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