Re: [sv-bc] RE: [sv-ec] Are variable-width part selects already part of the SV language? (Mantis 2684)

From: Steven Sharp <>
Date: Fri May 07 2010 - 23:56:10 PDT

Thinking about Shalom's example from a HW perspective, this is a set
of 2-to-1 muxes with different select logic for each of the muxes.
The logic is such that it selects the second input for the lowest N
muxes, and the first input for the upper ones.

The existing operator for a mux is the conditional operator, but that
uses the same select bit value to control all of the output bits. I
have suggested before that it would be useful to have a bitwise
conditional operator, where the select is a vector as wide as the
inputs, and each bit of the select vector controls the selection of
the corresponding bit of the output.

Making up a syntax that uses ?? instead of ? to represent the bitwise
version of the operator,

        out = select ?? in1 : in0;
would be equivalent to

        foreach (out[i])
                out[i] = select[i] ? in1[i] : in0[i];

        out = select ? in1 : in0;

is equivalent to

        foreach (out[i])
                out[i] = select ? in1[i] : in0[i];

This could then be used to express Shalom's example, if there is some
intuitive idiom for creating a vector with N bits 1 (or 0) and the
rest the opposite. I don't know if this version is intuitive, but

        out[127:0] = ('1 << N) ?? in : replace;

Even if there were such an operator, I don't know that this would be
what you would think of given this problem to solve. Perhaps it depends
on how much you are thinking of the actual hardware that it represents.
It does seem more straightforward than trying to code the mux with
bitwise logic as

        out[127:0] = (('1 << N) & in) | (~('1 << N) & replace);

It could also be less pessimistic than the bitwise logic in situations
where the selector was unknown, like the existing conditional operator.
I also don't know that this would apply to a significant number of the
situations where a variable part select is desired. In this case, the
positions of the bits didn't change with N, just which was selected. In
other cases, the positions might change. Here, the variable ends of
the two selects were at the point where they met. If you were trying to
code a barrel shifter where the vacated positions came from another
vector, for example, this wouldn't help. But I would think that would be
more naturally represented with a shift anyway:

        out[127:0] = { new_bits, old_bits } >> N;
instead of trying to use variable part selects

        out[127:0] = { new_bits[N-1:0], old_bits[127:N] };

The shift version works correctly for N==128, without the reversed index
problem of the variable part select version. The same is true of my
mux version of Shalom's example.

There are things that could be done with the variable part selects that
could not be done with the vector conditional operator. There are also
things that could be done with the vector conditional operator that could
not be done with the variable part selects. I don't know how much overlap
there is for useful cases. It just happens to apply to Shalom's example.

Steven Sharp | Architect | Cadence

P: 508.459.1436 M: 774.535.4149

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