Subject: RE: [sv-bc] Proposals for SV3.1a
From: Warmke, Doug (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 00:31:45 PDT
A few questions on SV-BC-49 and SV-BC-48.
1) For the operator overloading, you mention that
a += operator is automatically built from "+" and "=".
I didn't get this for a while, but it seems like you are
saying "If both a unary + and an assignment operator =
are present for a given function name with identical
argument type, then the system automatically infers a
"+=" operator for the given argument type.
Could you please confirm this, and if true, provide
an example in the proposal?
2) You state "The overloading statement links + to each function
prototype according to the argument types, which must match
exactly." I'm not exactly clear on what must exactly match.
Do you mean the types of the arguments at the call vs. the
types of the arguments in the prototype?
3) Also in operator overloading, you mention that DPI
functions are supported. I assume you mean both
imported functions (i.e. those declared in SV but
implemented in C) as well as exported fucntions
(i.e. implemented in SV, but declared and called from C)
You should probably emend this to say
"Note that both imported and exported DPI functions
are supported by this mechanism."
4) In the flexibility in function description, your more
complex example seems to be missing any usage of
primitives-instantiated-as-function-call. I think
it would be more instructive to add that.
Doug Warmke, MTI
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Rich []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [sv-bc] Proposals for SV3.1a
> Attached are the proposals for
> SV-BC-53 Expand array querying functions "arrayq.pdf"
> SV-BC-37 Interface port expressions "modport expressions.pdf"
> SV-BC-49 Operator overloading "overload2.pdf"
> SV-BC-48 Flexibility in Function description and use "function2.pdf"
> --
> --
> Technical Marketing Consultant
> tele: 650-584-4026
> cell: 510-589-2625
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