[sv-bc] What is the type of a slice?

From: Brad Pierce <Brad.Pierce@synopsys.com>
Date: Mon Jul 13 2015 - 04:33:27 PDT
According to 7.4.6 of IEEE Std 1800-2012, "The term slice refers to a selection of one or more contiguous elements of an array."

What is the $left() of the type of a slice? For example, in the following, is the output 0, 4, or something else?

module test#(parameter type WORD = byte, parameter int N = 256)
  (output int out);
  typedef WORD T[N];
  var T A;
  bot#(type(A[4:19])) bot(out);
  initial begin
    #1 $display(out);

module bot#(parameter type T)
  (output int out);
  assign out = $left(T);

-- Brad

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