[sv-bc] Erratta/change: 3.10.3 Enum Type checking

From: Dave Rich <David.Rich@synopsys.com>
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 10:05:38 PDT

In describing the type checking restrictions on enumerated types,
section 3.10.3 (pg 20) contains the sentence "This restriction only
applies to an enumeration that is explicitly declared as a type".

This sentence was put in as an apparent reconciliation between the
original Vera enums and the SV 3.0 enums.

See http://www.eda.org/sv-ec/SV_3.1_Web/SVTestbench_2.2.pdf section 5
page 19

This exception seems to be inconsistent with the rest of the type
checking system, and it is not entirely clear what "explicitly declared
as a type" means.

I propose that this sentence be dropped. The authors of the original
donation concur.


Technical Marketing Consultant and/or
Principal Product Engineer
tele:  650-584-4026
cell:  510-589-2625
Received on Mon Jun 14 10:05:45 2004

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