Proposed wording: In Section 19.11.4, page 291, CHANGE: An implicit .* port connection is semantically equivalent to a default .name port connection for every port declared in the instantiated module. A named port connection can be mixed with a .* connection to override the port connection to a different expression or to leave the port unconnected. TO: An implicit .* port connection is semantically equivalent to a default .name port connection for every port declared in the instantiated module with the exception that .* does not create a sufficient reference for a wildcard import of a name from a package. A named port connection can be mixed with a .* connection to override a port connection to a different expression, or to leave a port unconnected, A named or implicit .name connection can be mixed with a .* connection to create a sufficient reference for a wildcard import of a name from a package. David Rich Verification Technologist Design Verification & Test Division Mentor Graphics Corporation Office: 408 487-7206 Cell: 510 589-2625Received on Mon Apr 4 21:44:40 2005
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