Re: [sv-ec] RE: [sv-bc] Parameterizing functions using classes -- ballot issue 225

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <gordonv_at_.....>
Date: Thu May 05 2005 - 10:08:37 PDT
Brad Pierce wrote:

> Gord,
> There is only one specialization C#(5).  It is not like an instantiation.
> If this were not so, how would it make sense to use it, say, as the type
> of a subroutine input port?


> If you think the text could be interpreted otherwise, we should clarify
> it.  

Requoting the LRM (12.23) (without the non-normative parenthetical
comment) we have:
     Each specialization of a class has a separate set of static
     member variables.
     To share static member variables among several class specializations,
     they must be placed in a nonparameterized base class.

How can you possibly interpret this to say "There is only one static
member variable in the entire system for each unique parameterization
of the class." ?

There is no definition of "unique parameterization" to even base
such a statement on and the second sentence unambiguously states
that the only way to get sharing is to have the shared static
members be in a non-parameterized base class.

I would have some real issues with making it work the other way
right now since you would have to require a post-elaboration
unification of all signatures and would have to define exactly
what all of that means.

I absolutely agree that in a future rev of the LRM this should
be changed but it is way to late to do that now.


> For example, it could be noted that when a parameter is a type,
> then type matching (not type equivalence) is used to determine if it's
> the same specialization.
> I continue to think, as in , that
> parameterized subroutines add no new functionality to the language,
> but are only (a very useful) syntactic sugar.
> -- Brad
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Gordon Vreugdenhil
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 7:11 AM
> To: Maidment, Matthew R
> Cc: Brad.Pierce@synopsys.COM;
> Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Parameterizing functions using classes -- ballot
> issue 225
> Matt,
> As I've said before, I think you are really after something
> like C++ templates.  There are problems with thinking about
> parameters as template arguments; the concept of Verilog instantiation
> is quite different than C++ template instantiation.
> The LRM already has serious problems in this space.  For example,
> consider a parameterized class (C) with a static member, and
> declarations:
>     C #(5) a = new;
>     C #(5) b = new;
> The LRM (12.23) says:
>     Each specialization of a class has a separate set of static
>     member variables (this is consistent with C++ templated classes).
>     To share static member variables among several class specializations,
>     they must be placed in a nonparameterized base class.
> This clearly says that the statics of "a" and "b" are not shared.
> Unfortunately the clause "(this is consistent with C++ templated classes)"
> is wrong.  C++ templatization creates new types only **ONCE** for
> each unique signature for the template so statics would be shared
> if we really did what C++ does.
> So someone has already fundamentally confused C++ templatization and
> Verilog parameterization in the LRM.
> I don't want this to become any worse; we've probably already got
> into a bad space and doing something in the function/task space
> is only going to exacerbate the issues.
> If we want a templatization facility, let's actually sit down
> and define something consistent and complete.  Mixing the concept
> of Verilog parameterization and instantiation with templatization
> is a recipe for confusion.
> Finally, if you truly believe that this is so pressing that you are
> willing to live with future problems in trying to make things
> consistent, I've already said that I might be convinced to go along
> with the parameterization approach but only with the additional
> restrictions that I've suggested.  Those restrictions (in addition
> to the ones that Brad already has in the proposal) give me the
> ability to avoid future problems by ensuring that there is no
> possible visible difference between the template approach and the
> instantiation approach and allow me to deal with separate compilation
> concerns.
> I'm not trying to say that your problem isn't important.  I am saying
> that what is being proposed has serious impact on future directions
> for resolving existing confusion and I don't think we're really ready
> to go down that road.
> Gord
> Maidment, Matthew R wrote:
>>Sorry if I missed discussion on this in the last meeting.  
>>The notion of using a parameterized interface was considered
>>long ago.  Brad's macros make things a bit more readable, 
>>but it remains undesirable to instantiate the interfaces 
>>before calling the functions.  It's quite tedious to "specialize" 
>>the various functions:
>>`SPECIALIZE(reverse4, #(4))
>>`SPECIALIZE(reverse3, #(3))
>>`SPECIALIZE(reverse2, #(2))
>>`SPECIALIZE(reverse1, #(1))
>>It forces coders to break their current thought process, do 
>>some bit-width calculations and then reconcile the result
>>with what's already been instantiated.
>>Parameterized functions or something along those lines
>>is intended to make this process a lot easier.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: [] On 
>>>Behalf Of Gordon Vreugdenhil
>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:55 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Parameterizing functions using classes -- 
>>>ballot issue 225
>>>Yup - at least it is clear that there is an instantiation 
>>>taking place and that the user is explicitly aware of the 
>>>instantiation point.  This follows existing Verilog semantics 
>>>and expectations regarding instantiations.
>>>My suggestion (explicit naming) just makes the syntactic form 
>>>cleaner than the macro form.
>>>Brad Pierce wrote:
>>>>They might as well keep using macros then, e.g.,
>>>>  `FUNCTION(reverse, #(N=32, type T=type(logic[N-1:0])))
>>>>         T reverse (T vector);
>>>>         foreach (reverse[i])
>>>>            reverse[i] = vector[(N-1)-i];
>>>>  `ENDFUNCTION(reverse)
>>>>  module test;
>>>>    `SPECIALIZE(reverse, #(4))
>>>>    initial
>>>>        $displayb(`CALL(reverse)(4'b0101));
>>>>  endmodule
>>>>  `define TF_NAME(foo) IFC_tf_``foo
>>>>  `define FUNCTION(foo,params) \
>>>>      interface `TF_NAME(foo) params (); \
>>>>        function automatic
>>>>  `define ENDFUNCTION(foo) \
>>>>        endfunction : foo \
>>>>     endinterface : `TF_NAME(foo)
>>>>  `define SPECIALIZE(foo,params) \
>>>>     `TF_NAME(foo) params `TF_NAME(foo) ();
>>>>  `define CALL(foo) \
>>>>     `TF_NAME(foo).foo
>>>>-- Brad
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: []On Behalf Of 
>>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 8:13 AM
>>>>To: Mark Hartoog
>>>>Cc: Brad.Pierce@synopsys.COM;
>>>>Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Parameterizing functions using classes 
>>>-- ballot 
>>>>issue 225
>>>>The recursion issue would go away if we went to a directly 
>>>named form.  
>>>>For example:
>>>>   function some_foo is foo #(20);
>>>>This is pretty VHDL'ish (egads) but removing the directly 
>>>>parameterized call forms would alleviate my concerns.
>>>>Another alternative would be to fully develop a C++ like 
>>>>templatization approach which would allow one to properly anchor 
>>>>recursions.  That however is a strictly compile time 
>>>activity and not 
>>>>"elaboration time" as in Verilog.
>>>>Parameters are NOT the same as C++ template arguments.  If you want 
>>>>them to behave that way, you must deal with a number of other issues.
>>>>Mark Hartoog wrote:
>>>>>I agree with most of Gord's reservations. Consider for example:
>>>>>function #(N = 20) int foo(input i);
>>>>> if (i > N) begin
>>>>>     return foo #(n+1)(i-1);
>>>>> end
>>>>> else begin
>>>>>     return (i-1);
>>>>> end
>>>>>For what values of N do we need to generate code for this function?
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: [] On Behalf Of 
>>>>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil
>>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 7:03 AM
>>>>>>To: Brad.Pierce@synopsys.COM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Parameterizing functions using classes
>>>>>>-- ballot issue 225
>>>>>>In order for me to be able to support this at all, I would want to 
>>>>>>see the following additional changes:
>>>>>>1) restrict parameterized routines to not be permitted as methods
>>>>>>2) parameterized routines shall not callable hierarchically
>>>>>>3) in the current proposal there is no way to  anchor any
>>>>>>   recursive instantiation; I think that should be made explicit
>>>>>>   and should be disallowed.  Something like "no routine
>>>>>>   shall directly or indirectly instantiate itself".
>>>>>>   Users are already massively confused about what constitutes
>>>>>>   an elaboration condition and what doesn't.  Just recently
>>>>>>   I had someone that had a ternary expression as the actual
>>>>>>   of a port connect and was surprised that it wasn't the
>>>>>>   same as conditionally selecting an actual (i.e. that it
>>>>>>   produced a legal lval).  This is going to seriously
>>>>>>   compound that kind of confusion.
>>>>>>Given the above, I may be willing to live with the proposal.  
>>>>>>I still would need other Mentor opinions before signing off since 
>>>>>>there is definitely opposition to this idea in its entirety.
>>>>>>Class methods are problematic due to issues of virtual methods and 
>>>>>>other issues.  Hierarchical calls in the presence of separate 
>>>>>>compilation are problematic for a number of reasons, including the 
>>>>>>interaction of parameters and default function arguments, etc.
>>>>>>This leaves routines in packages and routines defined 
>>>within the same 
>>>>>>module as the calls.  Those can likely be handled in a reasonable 
>>>>>>clean manner and permit the kinds of things that you intend.
>>>>>>However, I still have serious reservations about this approach.
>>>>>>In VHDL (2002?), one may have functions with generics but there is 
>>>>>>still an explicit instantiation of the function to create a newly 
>>>>>>named function.  I really, really do not like the implicit 
>>>>>>instantiation that is being added, particularly since the implicit 
>>>>>>instantiation is driven by sequential code.
>>>>>>Given all the restrictions that are in place right now, it is 
>>>>>>reasonably easy to argue that any such call can be transformed into 
>>>>>>an instantiation in some enclosing non-sequential construct, but it 
>>>>>>would be really easy to run into serious issues with this in the 
>>>>>>future because it is so irregular.
>>>>>>Brad Pierce wrote:
>>>>>>>In Verilog, the effect of a parameterized function can be 
>>>>>>achieved by 
>>>>>>>declaring it within a parameterized module, instantiating 
>>>>>>the module 
>>>>>>>as needed and calling the function via a hierarchical name.
>>>>>>>In SystemVerilog, it's more convenient to get this effect 
>>>>>>instead by 
>>>>>>>declaring the function within a parameterized class (see 12.23).
>>>>>>>For example,
>>>>>>>  a = f#(33,type(int))(x,y) + pkg::g#(22)(z);
>>>>>>>can be implemented as
>>>>>>>  begin
>>>>>>>    var f_class#(33,type(int)) f_dummy = new;
>>>>>>>    var pkg::g_class#(22) g_dummy = new;
>>>>>>>    a = f_dummy.f(x,y) + g_dummy(z);
>>>>>>>  end
>>>>>>>I don't think that the syntax proposed for ballot issue 225 
>>>>>>adds any 
>>>>>>>new functionality to SystemVerilog.
>>>>>>>Probably the current proposal is too restrictive semantically.  
>>>>>>>Although it's correct that parameterized subroutines, like 
>>>>>>>declared as class methods, should be automatic by default, 
>>>>>>there would 
>>>>>>>be no harm in allowing them to be explicitly declared 
>>>>>>static, as can 
>>>>>>>already be done with class methods.
>>>>>>>-- Brad
>>>>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
>>>>>>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
>>>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      

Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Thu May 5 10:08:42 2005

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