Hi, The following syntax is passed by standard simulators, but most probably LRM doesn't support this. Can you please let me know whether I am missing anything here. Thanks Kausik typedef enum [1:0] {NONE, SHARED, EXCLUSIVE, MODIFIED} myenum; After "enum" can I write a packed dimension without any type identifier? The syntax rules which are related to this declaration are: type_declaration ::= typedef data_type type_identifier variable_dimension ; data_type ::= | enum [ enum_base_type ] { enum_name_declaration { , enum_name_declaration } } enum_base_type ::= integer_atom_type [ signing ] | integer_vector_type [ signing ] [ packed_dimension ] | type_identifier [ packed_dimension ]24 enum_name_declaration ::= enum_identifier [ [ integral_number [ : integral_number ] ] ] [ = constant_expression ]
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