[sv-bc] non-constant variable initializers

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Jul 11 2005 - 13:51:17 PDT
In the SV3.1 LRM, section 5.4 said "A variable can be declared with an
initializer, which must be a constant expression."  The similar statement
in section 6.4 of the latest P1800 LRM drops that clause about being a
constant expression.  However, both LRMs state that:

"Initial values in SystemVerilog are not constrained to simple constants;
they can include run-time expressions, including dynamic memory allocation.
For example, a static class handle or a mailbox can be created and
initialized by calling its new method (see 14.3.1), or static variables can
be initialized to random values by calling the $urandom system task. This
requires a special pre-initial pass at run-time."

Exactly what is allowed is not stated.  There are just some examples of
things that are definitely allowed, and the vague statement that they
don't have to be simple constants.  The implication is still there that
they can't be completely arbitrary expressions either, but that is not
really clear.

If they are allowed to be arbitrary expressions, which could refer to
other variables, then this introduces non-determinism based on the order
in which the initializations are performed.  This seems undesirable.  The
examples all avoid this, but that doesn't prove anything.

Was it intended that arbitrary expressions be allowed, with the problem
of non-determinism?  Or was it intended that there still be restrictions
to ensure determinism?  If so, these restrictions need to be clearly

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon Jul 11 13:51:23 2005

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