Re: [sv-bc] Is an unnamed block with declarations a scope?

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Aug 15 2005 - 11:58:31 PDT
>From: Greg Jaxon <>

>The specific implementation would involve looking up the incipient
>label in each of the parent (lifetime) scopes until you reach
>one which is named.  If none of those scopes has a binding for the
>name, then it is bound at the level of the named parent.  This leaves
>just a few open sources where one of the intermediate scopes might
>also define the name, thereby shadowing it in the inner scope.
>If declarations and blocks can be interleaved, this might happen.
>Or if locally defined functions are declared with the same name,
>there would also be some confusion.  How serious do you think that
>defect would be?

While it probably won't come up much in real code, the LRM text
would have to specify the behavior.  That specification would be
confusing, even for users who wouldn't run into the situation.  I
don't think this interpretation offers enough benefits to make
this possible confusion worthwhile.

To make sure that everyone (including me) understands what you are
saying, here is an example that illustrates what I think you said.

1)    initial
2)    begin:A
3)        integer foo;
4)        begin
5)            integer foo;
6)            begin: foo
7)                foo <= 0;
8)                if (whatever) disable foo;
9)            end
10)           foo <= 1;
11)           if (whatever) disable foo;
12)       end
13)   end

This example is unrealistic, but I am trying to keep it concise
and easy to follow.  Here are some of the questions it raises.
Some of the things in it are illegal, but under your interpretation
it is unclear which ones.

From what you said, block foo on line 6 is declared in scope A,
not in the unnamed block on line 4.  So it appears in a scope
outside the unnamed block on line 4.  And yet, one expects the
disable foo on line 8 to find the block foo declared on line 6,
not the integer foo declared on line 5.  But if block foo appears
in scope A, then an upward scope search should find the integer foo
in the unnamed scope before finding block foo in scope A.  So if
you want to have the disable find the nearest nested textual foo,
then the searching rules don't match the nearest scope rules.

If block foo on line 6 is in scope A, then it conflicts with the
integer foo on line 3, not the integer foo on line 5.  That implies
that the integer foo on line 5 is a legal declaration, since name
conflicts are based on scopes.  So now you try to resolve the
assignment to foo on line 10 or the disable foo on line 11.  If you
don't use the scope rules, but try to use an alternate textual
nesting rule to match expectations, you have a problem.  Integer
foo on line 5 is at the same textual level as block foo on line 6.
You don't know which one to resolve it to.  Normally this wouldn't
arise because two such identifiers would be in the same scope, which
would be treated as a name conflict.

The assignment on line 7 was mostly included to give something to
be disabled from outside (at least in some implementations).  But
it is also there in case someone tries to specify rules that only
work for block references.  The assignments appear in the same
scopes as the disables, and the identifier foo must resolve the
same way for both the assignment and the disable.

I don't know whether you had any rules in mind for how to resolve
this, but I think anything you try will produce bizarre results
in some situation.  The only way to get reasonable results is
to have the scope nesting match the textual nesting and name
searching.  Your proposed interpretation doesn't do that, which
leads to problems.

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:58:31 -0400 (EDT)

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