Let me take a crack at the name resolution scenarios that Mark raised and add a few more really bad cases. Since forward references to subprograms (tasks/functions) are historically legal, they must be treated a bit differently. Here is a semi-operational description of what I think the combination of the P1800 LRM rules and historical behavior requires: 1) a task/function reference cannot be resolved upwards from a scope until the scope (and possibly parents) are complete. 2) a tack/function reference does inspect imports in an eager manner but doesn't look upwards until (1) is satisfied. 3) all other non-type resolution that escapes to $unit must also be deferred but is done in an "eager" manner in the intervening scopes. 4) any identifier is located upwards, including $unit seen "so far" and its imports and resolution occurs immediately if the identifier can be resolved to a type. 5) a "potentially visible name" becomes directly visible as early as possible but "upwards" potential visibility can be deferred by earlier rules. Not the most obvious set of rules, but I think that this is pretty close. Here are the implications of this for each of the designs: 1) function int fn(); return 0; endfunction module m(); int x; initial x = fn(); // which fn() does this bind to? function int fn() return 1; endfunction endmodule In "x = fn()", fn means m.fn by rule 1. 2) package p; function int fn(); return 0; endfunction endpackage module m(); import p::*; int x; initial x = fn(); // which fn() does this bind to? function int fn() return 1; endfunction endmodule By rule 2, fn() binds to p::fn, making it directly visible in m. This causes the declaration of m.fn to produce an error. 3) package p; function int fn(); return 0; endfunction endpackage import p::*; module m(); int x; initial x = fn(); // which fn() does this bind to? function int fn() return 1; endfunction endmodule By rule 2, fn() binds to m.fn since you don't inspect the parent's import until the module scope is closed. This also implies that "fn" is not imported into $unit and thus declaring a new "fn" inside $unit would be legal. 4) package p; function int fn(); return 0; endfunction endpackage import p::*; module m(); int x; initial x = fn(); // which fn() does this bind to? endmodule function int fn() return 1; endfunction This is an error. By rule 1 & 2, upon completing the module scope, "fn" is found via the import. $unit::fn then conflicts with the visible p::fn. 5) module m; parameter p = 1; function int fn(); return 0; endfunction if (p) begin:b // generate reg x = fn(); function int fn(); return 1; endfunction end endmodule fn() binds to m.b.fn() since it is not resolved until the close of the generate scope. 6) // file mode compilation unit module m; int x = fn(); endmodule function int fn(); return 1; endfunction No error. The foward reference is resolved in $unit when $unit is closed. 7) // file mode compilation unit module m; int x = a; // error? endmodule localparam a = 1; No error. "a" is not resolved until $unit is closed. 8) typedef int T; module m; T x; typedef real T; T y; endmodule This one is nasty. By rule 4, the $unit version of T is visible in "m" during the declaration of x. But since this isn't an import, there is no expectation that "T" can't be redefined in m. This implies that this design is legal with x being an int and y being a real. 9) module foo; reg x; initial begin:b automatic reg y = x; automatic reg x; end endmodule Similar case to (8) but follows rule (3). I am not at all happy by my read of things in terms of the rule set that I outlined above. For types we *must* have early resolution due to parse issues. And for historical reasons, we really need to preserve the subprogram resolution behavior. So, why not require that all non-subprogram resolution be done in the same manner as types *with* the additional requirement that any non-imported escaping reference becomes a "reserved" identifier in the referring scope so that no local redefinition of the name is permitted. Then subprograms are the only case where we have special rules. Such an approach would make the egregiously bad cases (8 & 9) illegal and, if I had my way, would also make 7 illegal since "a" is a non-subprogram reference. Anyways, feedback and discussion is clearly welcome on this. Gord. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Vreugdenhil 503-685-0808 Model Technology (Mentor Graphics) gordonv@model.comReceived on Fri Aug 26 13:19:37 2005
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