[sv-bc] mantis on vcd

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Tue Dec 13 2005 - 02:32:22 PST
>(I use the term "variable" in quotes because it is not precise,
>intended to exclude nets, for example. But "variable" is the
>term used
>in 1364-2005 Clause 18. I'll file a Mantis on that if there is
>not one

[Shalom: ] I filed a new issue on this.

>(And another extension to $dumpvars would be allow unpacked
>Again, I'll file a Mantis if there is not one already.)

[Shalom: ] Mantis 104 is extension of vcd to other data types.
I add a bugnote to it.

Received on Tue Dec 13 02:32:29 2005

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