RE: [sv-bc] illegal priority if

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Thu Jan 12 2006 - 16:47:50 PST
>From: "francoise martinolle" <>

>Also what is the meaning of the sentence "unless it can demonstrate a legal
>interleaving so that no more than 
>one condition is true"?
>Does it mean that if I found 1 sequence of evaluation of each condition in
>the branches that
>does not make more than one condition true, the unique if is correct?

Yes.  In practical terms, it means that you pick one order of evaluation.
If it does not make more than one condition true, you do not issue a

It means that you do not have to check all possible orders of evaluation
to see if they could produce a violation.  If the one you chose to use
was OK, that is good enough.  If an implementation wants to try all
possible orders of evaluation, it can do so, but it is not required to.

Note that in any reasonable case, the order will not matter.  This clause
just specifies what is required if the order does matter.  The wording is
obscure, but this is what it amounts to.

Steven Sharp
Received on Thu Jan 12 16:48:06 2006

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