Re: [sv-bc] $bits question

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Fri Jan 13 2006 - 11:45:04 PST
>There is no separate BNF for a call to $bits, it's just an ordinary
>system_tf_call as defined in A.8.2.

There is a syntax box 22-3 (explicitly noted as not being in Annex A)
that allows 

size_function ::=
	$bits(expression) |

The second production allows arbitrary type declarations, which does
not match what is allowed by the BNF.  This could be considered a
contradiction in the LRM, or a special case rule overriding what the
BNF normally allows.  Regardless, I am proposing that the second
production should be removed, and text added that says that a type
name is allowed as an argument.  It actually gets a little more involved
than that if you want to allow the built-in types (e.g. int), since
those are not identifiers or legal expressions.

Steven Sharp
Received on Fri Jan 13 11:45:12 2006

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