Re: [sv-bc] Iterating over arrayed and generated instances with 'foreach'

From: Brad Pierce <Brad.Pierce_at_.....>
Date: Sun Mar 26 2006 - 13:33:16 PST
A couple of observations, following up (indirectly) to 


In SV2005, as in V2005, there are two ways to declare an indexed
collection of instances - arrays of instances and generate. 


SV2005 extends arrays of instances in two ways --


    1) Arrays of instances can be multidimensional.


    2) Arrays of (interface) instances can be connected to a port.


So in SV2005, arrays of instances are in some ways more powerful than
generate, because generate can't be used to declare a truly
multidimensional collection of instances or to declare a collection of
(interface) instances that can be connected to a port.


The root of the difference is that with generate, although each instance
in the indexed collection has a name, the collection itself has no name.
An individual generated (interface) instance can be connected to a port,
but, because there is no way to refer to the collection as a whole,
there is no way to connect that collection to a port.

Consider the following example from V2005::7.1.6


module driver (in, out, en);

input [3:0] in;

output [3:0] out;

input en;

bufif0 ar[3:0] (out, in, en);


This creates a collection ar of four instances: ar[3], ar[2], ar[1] and

With generate one might instead write


module driver (in, out, en);

input [3:0] in;

output [3:0] out;

input en;

            for (genvar I = 3; I >= 0; I--) begin:GEN

bufif0 ar (out[I], in[I], en);



This is not only more verbose, but the effect is to create an anonymous
collection of four instances: GEN[3].ar, GEN[2].ar, GEN[1].ar and

On the other hand, something you can do with generate that you can't do
with arrays of instances is to create a sparse collection.  For example,
the following declares two instances GEN[3] and


module driver (in, out, en);

input [3:0] in;

output [3:0] out;

input en;

            for (genvar I = 3; I >= 0; I--) begin:GEN

                        if (I%2 == 0) begin:GEN_IF

bufif0 ar (out[I], in[I], en);





-- Brad


Received on Sun Mar 26 13:33:34 2006

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