Hello, I have a few queries regarding Array querying System Function $dimensions(). 1>> SV LRM 22.6 says, "$diemsions shall return - the total number of dimensions in the array (packed and unpacked , static or dynamic ) -1 for string datatype or anyother nonarray type that is equivalent to simple bit vector type . - 0 for any other type" Now for the following case, module mod; string s1 = "ab"; initial begin $display($dimensions(s1)); // output will be 1 according to LRM verses end endmodule It means s1 is a single dimension object. Though s1[0][0] is perfectly valid because s1[0] has the equivalent type of a byte and from that we can do another bitselect. So, it seems s1 is a two-dimensional packed array because we can use bitselect twice on the array. Hence the result of $dimensions() looks contradictory. 2>> Second case is::== module mod; integer i[3:0]; initial begin $display($dimensions(i)); // output will be what? end endmodule If the previous case has output 1, then this output should be 1(since integer is not a packed array). On the contrary, vlog shows it is 2 though the previous output it shows is 1. My question is what should be the valid output? -- SubhamoyReceived on Tue Jul 25 03:08:33 2006
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