Hi, I have query regarding the following testcase:: module semaphore16 (input [7:0] in1,in2, output reg [7:0] out1,out2,out3,out4); class semaExtend extends semaphore; real r; shortreal sr; time t; function bit [1:0] func(input reg [15:0] rg); r = rg; sr = rg; t = rg; func = ++rg; endfunction endclass semaExtend p = new(-11); always @(in1,in2) begin out1 = p.func(in1^in2); out2 = p.r; out3 = p.sr; out4 = p.t; end endmodule Is it necessary to define new() method : function new (int keycount = 0); super.new(keycount); endfunction in derived class. Thanx SoumyaReceived on Mon Aug 14 00:05:13 2006
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