[sv-bc] parameterized timeunits?

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Thu Oct 19 2006 - 01:58:23 PDT

I'm wondering whether there is a need to be able to parameterize

Today, timeunits are hardcoded.

Most of the time, there is no true significance to the timescale, it is
arbitrary. However, problems arise when you combine modules with
different timeunits, each with a different arbitrary timescale. Then
they suddenly do not work well together.

There are some ways around this.

Some tools allow you to override the timescale written in the code by a
command-line switch.

You can use a text macro to define the timescale.

However, I'm wondering whether there is a need to be able to customize
timescales parameterically. Does that have additional benefits that the
text macro method does not have?

What do people think?





Shalom Bresticker

Intel Jerusalem LAD DA

+972 2 589-6852

+972 54 721-1033

I don't represent Intel 


Received on Thu Oct 19 01:59:02 2006

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