FW: [sv-bc] multiple proposal versions

From: Rich, Dave <Dave_Rich_at_.....>
Date: Tue Sep 18 2007 - 07:17:01 PDT
As some people work on proposals over many days, and as there is already a timestamp recorded next to the attached file, I do not want to put the date into the file name. It's too bad were not using bugzilla which can do versioning of attached files, but manual version numbers is easier to deal with, or simply deleting the previous version.


From: owner-sv-bc@server.eda.org on behalf of Bresticker, Shalom
Sent: Tue 9/18/2007 3:39 AM
To: sv-bc@server.eda-stds.org
Subject: [sv-bc] multiple proposal versions


Due to mutiple versions of various proposals, I'd like to suggest/request that we put the date in as part of the file name and also at the top of the file header. The file header should also include the Mantis number it belongs to. 

This makes keeping versions straight much easier. 


Shalom Bresticker 
Intel Jerusalem LAD DA 
+972 2 589-6852 
+972 54 721-1033 

Intel Israel (74) Limited

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