RE: [sv-ec] Re: [sv-bc] Queries on enum name method

From: Jonathan Bromley <jonathan.bromley_at_.....>
Date: Fri Apr 04 2008 - 06:24:23 PDT
> it is not clear, how given value can be out side the member of enumeration.

It's perfectly clear.  Here are two possible ways to get that,
both explicitly legitimised by the LRM:

  typedef enum {A=1, B=2} E;
  E e;                  // (1) e initialises to zero
  initial begin
    $display(;   // "" since e==0
    e = A;              // normal assignment
    $display(;   // "A", OK
    e = E'(7);          // (2) unchecked cast
    $display(;   // ""

The behaviour of the enum methods is well-defined
(though not always intuitive) in such situations.

> 'A' can't be assigned by '1' or '0'

Shalom wasn't suggesting *assigning* those values.
Continuing my previous example:
    if (e==7) ....

e "is" 7.  That's its underlying value, and I can test
for it if I wish.

With regards to your first question, the LRM is suffering
slightly because we don't have a neat terminology for
"the thing to which a method is applied" - for example,
"e" in "".  I'm tempted to suggest calling it 
the subject of the method, but perhaps the analogy with
natural language syntax is too open to misinterpretation.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

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