Re: [sv-bc] Assignment compatibility of packed arrays of enums

From: Greg Jaxon <Greg.Jaxon_at_.....>
Date: Fri Oct 02 2009 - 12:27:41 PDT
My understanding is that: yes these are legal implicit casts that subvert the strictness of enum typing.
This is not a new issue; enums have previously been permitted as fields of packed struct, where the
same integral/bit-vector matching rule permits unchecked values to be deposited in enum-type fields.

My impression of committee intent on this has been that strongly typed enums are only "type-safe"
when kept in unpacked aggregations, and when no explicit cast operations are used to produce
values of that type.

The question begged by this viewpoint is what the LRM requires when an enum element or field
that's been abused by type-unsafe assignment is fetched as an enum value.
Is a compiler justified in thinking this value is confined to the enumerated set of values? 
The prude in me would not cut this abuser any slack - so if (say) case labels were involved and
the case_expression fetched this enum, I'd be happy to presume that the case is "full" if
its labels covered just the enumerated data values.   In practice, this attitude has
not been well-received, so the net effect has (so far) been that adding enums to SV does not
improve synthesis "QoR" (smaller area or better timing).  Formal equivalence to
the obvious simulation semantics usually takes precedence.  But given the LRM's lax
treatment of this topic, no user should count on being indulged by every implementation.

There is a clear analogy to unsafe casts in C, or the effects of escaping to assembly language:
users must beware that they take on a far greater burden of proof than if they'd avoided
the pretension of type-safety altogether.  Perhaps there was a lobbyist from the LINT tool
vendors at work here ;-)

Greg Jaxon
Disclaimer: this is just my personal take-away from committee discussions...

Brad Pierce wrote:
2009 makes it legal to create packed arrays of enums.  Is it legal to assign a data object of such a type with a value that is not a packed array of the same kind of enums?

In the following element-by-element assignment, the explicit cast is required

typedef enum logic {FALSE, TRUE} Boolean;

module test1
(   input  logic   [5:0] in
,   output Boolean [5:0] out
  for (genvar I = 0; I < 6; I++) begin
     assign out[I] = Boolean'(in[I]);

But are both of the following assignments legal?

typedef enum logic {STOP, GO} NotBoolean;

module test2
(  input  logic      [5:0] in1
,  input  NotBoolean [5:0] in2
,  output Boolean    [5:0] out1, out2
  assign out1 = in1;
  assign out2 = in2;

-- Brad

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