Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for extern modules

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for extern modules
From: Adam Krolnik (
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 10:28:12 PST

Good morning Karen, all;

Reading this proposal (between the lines), it appears that one would most likely do
the following (so their code would be synopsyzable.)

Write modules in this form:

% head -30 mod_a.vh

   extern module a #(parameter size= 8, parameter type TP = logic[7:0])
                   (input [size:0] a, output TP b);


% head -20 mod_a.v

`include "mod_a.vh" // Include the port definitions of this module.
// here is module a
module a (.*);

They would instantiate modules and the file would look like:

% head -30 mod_top.v

`include "mod_top.vh" // Include the port definitions of top

// Now include the ports of the rest of the instantiated modules.
`include "mod_a.vh" // ports of module a

module top (.*);

a ia (
        .me (my_con),

Is this the correct idea?


   1. Now my port definitions are in a separate file - you have to have two files open
      to figure out a module.

   2. Every module (that is instantiated with .*) needs to have this include file...

Is there no way to allow the tools to read a module just to get the port definition?
You are effectively making the user do this work instead of the tools. This topic has
been discussed in other languages (software.)

Can a tool not have another option (like the library searching options) to specify
modules for port definition reading?


    Adam Krolnik
    Verification Mgr.
    LSI Logic Corp.
    Plano TX. 75074

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