Re: [sv-bc] 7.3 -- Proposal

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] 7.3 -- Proposal
From: Dave Rich (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 09:28:34 PST


I think an easier way to say this is

It shall be illegal to use an assignment operator as part of an
expression in places where the expression is sensitive to update events.
This includes continuous and procedural continuous assignments, event
expressions, port expressions, and within @*, always_comb, or
always_latch block.

Brad Pierce wrote:

>In section 7.3, after the paragraph that begins "SystemVerilog also
>includes ...", ADD the following paragraph --
> It shall be illegal to include an assignment, increment, or
> decrement in an event expression, in an expression within a
> procedural continuous assignment, or in an expression that
> is not within a procedural statement.

Dave Rich
Principal Engineer, CAE, VTG
Tel:  650-584-4026
Cell: 510-589-2625

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