[sv-bc] Proposal for Interface Specialization in Port Declarations

From: Peter Flake <flake@elda.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu Jan 13 2011 - 09:27:23 PST

I propose the following language changes to deal with the issues raised in
Mantis 905 and 2502. The type checking here is minimal to avoid assigning
unnecessary parameters in the port declaration.


I have not seen anything that needs to be changed elsewhere.


I welcome comments on this proposal. I am not particularly happy with the
example, but I have tried to minimize the changes.


Syntax changes:


interface_port_declaration ::=

interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ]

| interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] . modport_identifier


interface_port_header ::=

interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] [ . modport_identifier ]

| interface [ . modport_identifier ]


Other LRM change:


25.8 Parameterized interfaces

Interface definitions can take advantage of parameters and parameter
redefinition, in the same manner as module definitions. Such a parameterized
interface can be connected to modules which have generic interfaces or
interfaces with the same name without parameters in the module header.


The module header can declare an interface with one or more parameter
values, in which case those values must match the actual values in the
interface to which it is connected.


The following example shows how to use parameters in interface definitions
with two styles of module header:


interface simple_bus #(AWIDTH = 8, DWIDTH = 8)

(input logic clk); // Define the interface

logic req, gnt;

logic [AWIDTH-1:0] addr;

logic [DWIDTH-1:0] data;

logic [1:0] mode;

logic start, rdy;


modport slave( input req, addr, mode, start, clk,

output gnt, rdy,

ref data,

import task slaveRead, task slaveWrite);

// import into module that uses the modport


modport master(input gnt, rdy, clk,

output req, addr, mode, start,

ref data,

import task masterRead(input logic [AWIDTH-1:0] raddr),

task masterWrite(input logic [AWIDTH-1:0] waddr));

// import requires the full task prototype


task masterRead(input logic [AWIDTH-1:0] raddr); // masterRead method




task slaveRead; // slaveRead method




task masterWrite(input logic [AWIDTH-1:0] waddr);




task slaveWrite;




endinterface: simple_bus


module memMod(interface a); // Uses just the interface keyword

logic avail;


always @(posedge a.clk) // the clk signal from the interface

a.gnt <= a.req & avail; //the gnt and req signals in the interface


always @(a.start)

if (a.mode[0] == 1'b0)






module cpuMod #(parameter W = 8)(simple_bus#(.AWIDTH(W)).master b);

enum {read, write} instr;

logic [W-1:0] raddr;


always @(posedge b.clk)

if (instr == read)

b.masterRead(raddr); // call the Interface method

// ...





module top;

logic clk = 0;


simple_bus sb_intf(clk); // Instantiate default interface

simple_bus #(.DWIDTH(16)) wide_intf(clk); // Interface with 16-bit data


initial repeat(10) #10 clk++;


memMod mem(sb_intf.slave); // only has access to the slaveRead task

cpuMod cpu(sb_intf.master); // only has access to the masterRead task


memMod memW(wide_intf.slave); // 16-bit wide memory

cpuMod cpuW(wide_intf.master); // 16-bit wide cpu



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