RE: [sv-bc] dotted names and interfaces

From: Mark Hartoog <>
Date: Tue Jan 15 2013 - 10:25:28 PST
To allow variable index to an interface port array, we would have to require that all elements of the array are identical. Currently the LRM does not require that, since you can defparam one element of the array. Defparams can lead to “ip[i].a” having different width for different values of ‘I’.

From: [] On Behalf Of Daniel Mlynek
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:18 AM
To: Rich, Dave
Subject: Re: [sv-bc] dotted names and interfaces

Term  "reference to a hierarchical reference" is not a term from LRM afaik. You mean that this is smth like ref module port?
If this is smth different that hier reference and member select then maybe it should be separately mentioned in dotted reference chapter.

If both virtual interface and interface port reference are not hierarchical reference can we use variable to index over arrays of it? for hierarchical reference it would be illegal - see example:
interface iface;
    int a;

module top;
    iface ii[10]();
    sub uut(ii);
    virtual iface vi[10] = ii;
    initial begin
        int i;
            $display(vi[i].a); //legal???
            $display(ii[i].a); //this is illegal

module sub(iface ip[10]);
    initial begin
        int i;
            $display(ip[i].a);  //legal???

Mantis 632 disallows code like marked in below sample - Am I right:
interface iface;

module top;
    parameter p = 1;
    iface ii[10]();
    sub uut();
    sub1 uut1(ii);
    if(p) begin :lab1
      iface ii1();
      sub2 uut2(ii1);

      sub2 uut3(lab1.ii1);//<<<<<<<<<<<

module sub ;
  sub1 uut1(top.ii);//<<<<<<<<<<<
  sub2 uut2(top.lab1.ii1);//<<<<<<<<<<<

module sub1(iface ip[10]);

module sub2(iface ip);

W dniu 1/11/2013 7:08 PM, Rich, Dave pisze:
My understanding is that an interface port is indeed a reference to a hierarchical reference, the same as a virtual interface reference. See the end of 25.3

The LRM make a specific exception for references to types via interface ports, but does not consider that an actual interface connection could be a hierarchical reference. Mantis 632 was supposed to address this, but did not go far enough.

Mentor Graphics

From:<> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Mlynek
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:33 AM
Subject: [sv-bc] dotted names and interfaces

"A hierarchical name and a member select into a structure, union, class or covergroup object share the same syntactic form of a sequence of name components separated by periods. Such names are called dotted names"
and later:
"The distinguishing aspect of a hierarchical name is that the first component of the name must match a scope name while the first name component of a member select must match a variable name."

I cannot find in LRM exact definition of what is the scope. I've found definition like this : "scope_nameis either a subroutine name, a module, program, or interface instance name or a generate block name." but it is not full

There is at least 2 more constructs which share dotted name syntax - which  are not explicitly mentioned above
 - reference to interface port item  module uut(interface ip) initial ip.m=1; // what is ip.m???
 - reference to virtual interface items
Assuming that those are not listed in a member select part of definition - both of those should be treated as hierarchical references with all consequences?
IMHO 2nd  rather should be treated as member select as virtual interface it self varaible so text could be changed:
"A hierarchical name and a member select into a structure, union, class, virtual interface or covergroup object share the same syntactic form of a sequence of name components separated by periods. Such names are called dotted names"

But I'm not sure what about ref to interface port items - those are not member selects for sure - but are they hierarchical references?
You can reference to a type by interface port and you cannot do this by hier reference. What about indexing with non constant select on arrays of intances which are disallowed for hier refs are those also illegal for interface port arrays?


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