See also LRM-88
which was for SV-BC issue 103. The proposal was
-- Brad
p.s. By the way, sometimes people don't want the minimum number
of bits. For example, sometimes instead a one-hot encoding, as --
localparam [3:0] RED = 4'b0001 ;
localparam [3:0] GREEN = 4'b0010 ;
localparam [3:0] BLUE = 4'b0100 ;
localparam [3:0] YELLOW = 4'b1000 ;
enum [3:0] {RED = 4'b0001,
GREEN = 4'b0010,
BLUE = 4'b0100,
YELLOW = 4'b1000 } ;
Received on Fri Oct 29 14:01:11 2004
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