[sv-bc] RE: P1800 issues ready for Champions review

From: Francoise Martinolle <fm@cadence.com>
Date: Thu Nov 18 2004 - 07:39:39 PST

I have a friendly amendment for issue 76 where wording/grammar is not very

I suggest to REPLACE:
An assignment to an enum variable from an expression other than the
equivalent same type shall require a cast.

A cast shall be required for an expression assignment to an enum variable
where the type of the expression is not equivalent to the enumeration type
of the variable.

Same here: Replace the following text in section 4.6.1

This array identifier must be a dynamic array of the equivalent data type as
the array on the left-hand side,

This array identifier must be a dynamic array of a data type equivalent to
the array on the left-hand side,
Received on Thu Nov 18 07:39:45 2004

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