Re: [sv-bc] FW: interpretation of priority if-else or case statement

From: Krishna Garlapati <krishna_at_.....>
Date: Tue Mar 29 2005 - 13:12:01 PST
I am sorry; I was my goof. Please read the priority instead
of unique in my email.

 >> As we see it here, a **priority** is identical to full-case except
 >> that the compiler does not issue a warning (unlike full-case)
 >> that a user might get different simulation and synthesis results.

My brain was telling something and my fingers had their own brain.

- Krishna.

Clifford E. Cummings wrote:
> Responses to comments by Krishna Garlapati, Steve Sharp and Uma 
> Polisetti below -
> At 11:09 AM 3/29/2005, Krishna Garlapati wrote:
>> As we see it here, a unique is identical to full-case except
>> that the compiler does not issue a warning (unlike full-case)
>> that a user might get different simulation and synthesis results.
>> - Krishna.
>> -- 
>> Krishna
>> 408-215-6152
> Hi, Krishna -
> I strongly disagree.
> As stated in my earlier email and as demonstrated in my paper:
> - "priority" WITH case-default or if-statement else == regular 
> case-statement or if-else-statement (no full_case and no parallel_case)
> - "priority" with NO case-default or if-statement else == full_case
> - "unique" WITH case-default or if-statement else == parallel_case (no 
> priority encoder)
> - "unique" with NO case-default or if-statement else == full_case 
> parallel_case (no priority encoder)
> As defined in the SV standard, "unique" does a run-time check to ensure 
> that a case expression cannot match more than one case item (equivalent 
> to parallel_case in Verilog and enforced by the syntax of VHDL), and it 
> also does a run-time check to make sure the case expression matches at 
> least one of the case-items (full_case equivalent, no test needed if a 
> case-default is included in the code, and again enforced by the syntax 
> of VHDL, which is why almost all VHDL case statements require an 
> "others" clause).
> "priority" behaves exactly like full_case, right down to being ignored 
> if a case-default is added to the case statement (because then all 
> possible cases will match at least one case item or the default).
> There are still a lot of people who think full_case (and hence 
> "priority") will remove all latches. This too is false and examples are 
> given in my paper.
> full_case and parallel_case were truly the "evil twins" and "priority" 
> (although poorly named) and "unique" are the safe alternatives, but you 
> still have to understand how they impact simulation and synthesis, so if 
> poorly taught, engineers will be in deep doo-doo, and this thread has 
> clearly shown that there are some bright people with dire 
> misunderstandings about how these modifiers/assertions work.
> I strongly suggest that people reference my Israel-SNUG paper regarding 
> this topic, which is FREELY available on my web site at 
> At 11:35 AM 3/29/2005, Steven Sharp wrote:
>> >In my already stated opinion, the "priority" keyword sucks! But we are
>> >stuck with it.
>> Note that "priority" is also one of the keywords most likely to appear
>> in legacy Verilog designs as an identifier, causing the design to fail
>> to compile under SystemVerilog.
>> Steven Sharp
> *sigh* t'is true. Using "all_possible" or "full_case" would have been 
> more descriptive and less likely to collide with existing designs.
> Unfortunately, "priority" has already made it into many designs. I have 
> even seen one source recommend using either "priority" or "unique" with 
> ALL RTL case-statements and if-else-if-statements, a recommendation I 
> have debunked in my Israel-SNUG paper (doing so would eliminate a very 
> powerful and useful synthesis coding style).
> At 11:47 AM 3/29/2005, Uma Polisetti wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As a user, I know we have "priority" used as a signal. But that doesn't
>> bother me much because the users already gave up several of their
>> favorite names such as bit, sequence etc...
>> What bothers me most is that, priority is misleading. I didn't realize
>> until now, that it is not what it means. Verilog already gives enough
>> rope to kill the users. It seems like SystemVerilog is giving even 
>> more...
>> Thanks,
>> Uma
> *sigh-again* t'is true again. For those who really understand the 
> meanings of "priority" and "unique," most agree that "unique" is both 
> descriptive and appropriate for the functionality it performs (actually 
> more descriptive than parallel_case). The same people tend to agree that 
> "priority" is a horrible keyword that is just plain deceptive. I guess 
> it gives trainers and paper-writers, like myself, the opportunity to 
> conduct more training and write more papers   :-)
> I would rather have a better keyword and pass on the extra training 
> slides and extra paper-verbiage.
> Regards - Cliff
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design, Inc.
> 14314 SW Allen Blvd., PMB 501, Beaverton, OR 97005
> Phone: 503-641-8446 / FAX: 503-641-8486
> /
> Expert Verilog, SystemVerilog, Synthesis and Verification Training

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