Re: [sv-bc] Followup example for ballot issue 246 (interfaces and modports)

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <gordonv_at_.....>
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 07:52:07 PDT
Mark Hartoog wrote:

> Gord,
> I think there are times when you want compositional view of hierarchical 
> interfaces and there are times when you want the hierarchical view. The 
> hierarchical view makes much more sense when you have multiple instances
> or an array of instances of interfaces in another interface.
> Consider this simplified version of the LRM example:
> interface i1;
>    interface i3;
>       wire a, b, c, d;
>       modport master (input a, b, output c, d);
>       modport slave (output a, b, input c, d);
>    endinterface
>    i3 ch();
>    modport master (ch1.master);
> endinterface
> Suppose I write a code like this:
> module m(i1 i);
> assign =;
> assign =;
> endmodule
> module top();
> i1 u1();
> m u2(u1);
> endmodule
> This example is fine. Now suppose I want to set the port directions on 
> module 'm'. If we take the compositional view of modport, then rewriting 
> module 'm' like this:
> module m(i1.master i);
> assign =;
> assign =;
> endmodule

> is an error, because this modport changed the name space. 


Is it an error?  I'm not convinced.  "ch" is not something that
can be specified (directly) in a modport so it in fact isn't
clear to me at all that becomes illegal.

In my view, the original "" referencing embeds a direct
dependency on the (non-controllable) visible interface instance
"ch".  This is not impacted by the modport at all.


 > I would have to
> rewrite the module like:
> module m(i1.master i);
> assign i.c = i.a;
> assign i.d = i.b;
> endmodule
> There may be circumstances under which you want this change of the name space, 
> but you also need a way to specify directions without changing the name space. 
> Modport expressions also change the name space, so they can only be used with 
> a module that have been written to the name space of the modport, but modport
> expressions do not preclude specifying port directions without changing the 
> name space, while adopting the compositional view of hierarchical modports seems
> to preclude specifying directions without changing the name space.
> Mark Hartoog
> 700 E. Middlefield Road
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> 650 584-5404
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [] On 
>>Behalf Of Gordon Vreugdenhil
>>Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:38 PM
>>To: Brad.Pierce@synopsys.COM
>>Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Followup example for ballot issue 246 
>>(interfaces and modports)
>>"type" is not sufficient.  What about parameters?  What about 
>>names defined inside generate constructs inside the interface?
>>The problem is that if one wants to make the modport 
>>declarations be "complete" then there are other issues to 
>>resolve.  If one wants the modport declarations to be a 
>>simple filter then it isn't clear to me why they are very 
>>useful since one has to introduce the interface instance 
>>portions of the hierarchical names anyways.
>>After thinking about this a bit more, I am still personally 
>>convinced that the compositional view is fundamentally more 
>>useful in practice and that the current view of modports 
>>doesn't buy much in terms of composition and is in many ways 
>>worse than not doing anything due to what will be needed 
>>eventually and the long-term feature composition issues if 
>>this is retained.
>>The fact the modports aren't often used (at this point in 
>>user code) makes more of an argument to me that we should 
>>either get a compositional view in place or remove the 
>>modport_hierarchical_ports_declaration related portions.  I 
>>don't think anyone is well-served by having definitions that 
>>don't give encourage good reuse models and that will only 
>>serve to confuse the long-term users.  I'd rather reserve the 
>>modport_hierarchical_ports_declaration syntax for a robust 
>>compositional model and define that at some point in the future.
>>Brad Pierce wrote:
>>>It seems to defeat the purpose of modports to allow a name to be 
>>>visible that is not listed in the modport.  Why not add the 
>>>to modport_ports_declaration (A.2.9)? --
>>>     | {attribute_instance} modport_types_declaration
>>>     modport_types_declaration ::= 'type' identifier {',' 
>>>The LRM has no examples of the style of composing used in your 
>>>example, nor am I fully convinced that it's legal.  The 
>>>way to compose is to use hierarchical interface 
>>declarations, as in the example of page 302.
>>>Redoing your example in that style does not, however, make your 
>>>questions go away.
>>>Also, the answers to your questions should not assume that modports 
>>>are always used.  In practice, they often are not.
>>>-- Brad
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: []On Behalf Of 
>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil
>>>Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 2:37 PM
>>>To: SV_BC List
>>>Subject: [sv-bc] Followup example for ballot issue 246 
>>(interfaces and
>>>As an action item from this morning's initial ballot meeting, I was 
>>>asked to develop an interface example with specific 
>>questions in order 
>>>to clarify the issue raised in item 246.
>>>Please excuse the length of this.
>>>The following is the example from 20.9:
>>>interface ebus_i;
>>>     integer I;      // reference to I not allowed through 
>>modport mp
>>>     typedef enum {Y,N} choice;
>>>     choice Q;
>>>     localparam True = 1;
>>>     modport mp(input Q);
>>>module Top;
>>>     ebus_i ebus;
>>>     sub s1(;
>>>module sub( i);
>>>     typedef i.choice yes_no;    // import type from interface
>>>     yes_no P;
>>>     assign P = i.Q;             // refer to Q with a port reference
>>>     initial
>>>         Top.s1.Q = i.True;      // refer to Q with a 
>>hierarchical reference
>>>     initial
>>>         Top.s1.I = 0;   // referring to i.I would not be 
>>legal because
>>>                         // is not in modport mp endmodule
>>>Notice that in module "sub" we have a reference to the type 
>>>via a modport of a generic interface.  This implies that 
>>items other 
>>>than modport items are made implicitly visible via the modport name.
>>>First, it isn't clear what items are implicitly visible via 
>>a modport.  
>>>Second, it isn't clear whether such visibility derives from the 
>>>modport or from the actual interface instance containing 
>>the modport.
>>>Assumption 1:  types and parameters become implicitly visible.
>>>Gord's Example:
>>>interface A;
>>>    typedef integer T;
>>>    T Q;
>>>    modport mp(input Q);
>>>    modport mp2(output Q);
>>>interface B;
>>>    typedef logic T;
>>>    T Q;
>>>    modport mp(input Q);
>>>interface C;
>>>    A a();
>>>    B b();
>>>    modport mp(,;
>>>    modport mp2(, a.mp2);
>>>module D( i);
>>>    typedef i.T          nonsense;
>>>    typedef i.a.T        illegal;
>>>    typedef     illegal2;
>>>    initial $display(i.Q);   // nonsense
>>>    initial $display(;      // valid?
>>>    initial $display(i.a.Q);         // valid?
>>>module top;
>>>    C c();
>>>    D d(;
>>>    D d2(c.mp2);
>>>Question 1:  Are and C.mp2 valid modports?
>>>Gramatically this is legal.
>>>Semantically this seems to be sensible since one would like 
>>to compose 
>>>modports of constituents to form a new interface.
>>>If is valid, what are the names visible within it?
>>>Do the names "" and "" form the exported names or do the 
>>>elements of and form the names?
>>>In particular, within, is the name "Q" a directly 
>>visible name or 
>>>do we have to reference by way of  If by way of, is the 
>>>full qualification required?  If i.a.Q is valid, does it ignore the 
>>>modport access specification?
>>>Question 2:  How can one access the types of the 
>>constituent interfaces?
>>>The name "i.T" is nonsense for one of two reasons:
>>>   1) the actual interface (top.c) used in the instantiation doesn't
>>>      define type T
>>>   2) the implicit visibility of T from conflicts with the
>>>      implicit visibility of T from
>>>Which is the correct reason?
>>>In addition, the typedefs "illegal" and "illegal2" are both illegal 
>>>since the only valid rule for a typedef using any form of 
>>dotted name 
>>>     typedef interface_instance_identifier . type_identifier 
>>>type_identifier which permits only a simple identifier 
>>before the type identifier.
>>>The implication of (1) is that if C wants to make types 
>>visible from A 
>>>and B, it will have to introduce explicit typedefs within C 
>>in order 
>>>to make those names visible.
>>>The main issue here is that the LRM does not clearly define the 
>>>implicit visibilities and how one composes names directly and 
>>>indirectly visible via modport access.
>>>The proposal in item 246 defines a rule for answering the 
>>>If that rule is not what was intended by the authors of 
>>this section, 
>>>the authors should propose clear visibility and access 
>>rules that can 
>>>be used to determine the legality of each of the situations 
>>>Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
>>>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
>>Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
>>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      

Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Wed Apr 6 07:52:04 2005

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