Re: [sv-bc] packed integer arrays

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 10:47:51 PDT
>It is currently illegal to declare a packed
>array of predefined integer types:
>    integer [3:0] x;
>This is because it was legal in verilog-1995 (or maybe just
>in some simulators) to attach a range to an integer
>declaration, in much the same way that a range could be
>attached to a parameter declaration.

Both of these are illegal in Verilog-1995.  Verilog-XL allowed
them, but ignored the ranges.

>  This range would not
>create an array of integers, but instead specify a different
>width for the single integer.

That was probably the user's expectation when they put in the
range, but in fact it had no such effect.

>Or if you don't like that, how about this:
>    There is one exception to the rules for packed array
>    syntax.  A variable declaration whose data type is the
>    predefined type "integer" followed by a single
>    dimensional range is an error.

This would be the more appropriate one.  The other would be
inconsistent, and does not even match the behavior of the
non-standard syntax in Verilog-XL.

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon Apr 25 10:48:00 2005

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