[sv-bc] packed integer arrays

From: Paul Graham <pgraham_at_.....>
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 06:24:11 PDT
I wonder if the issue of packed integer arrays could be
revisited.  It is currently illegal to declare a packed
array of predefined integer types:

    integer [3:0] x;

This is because it was legal in verilog-1995 (or maybe just
in some simulators) to attach a range to an integer
declaration, in much the same way that a range could be
attached to a parameter declaration.  This range would not
create an array of integers, but instead specify a different
width for the single integer.

To avoid ambiguity with this odd declaration, SV disallows a
packed array of any predefined integer type.  I can see why
this restriction should exist for the integer declaration
given above, but why should it apply to all the other
predefined integer types?  It makes all the predefined
integer types into second-class types.  

This restriction is unnecessary.  There is no legacy code
which looks like this:

    byte [3:0] x;

or like this:

    typedef integer [3:0] int_vec;

or like this:

    struct packed {
        integer [3:0] x;

or like this:

    integer [3:0][1:0] x;

So I end up defining types "mybyte", "myint", etc. just to
have useful first-class integer types.  It makes me wonder
why the predefined integer types exist in the first place.

The only case we are guarding against is an "integer"
declaration with a single range in the packed array syntax.
There is no other case that can cause ambiguity or backwards
incompatibility.  I see no reason to generalize from this
special case to include all predefined integer types in all
declarative contexts.

So I propose changing the rule (section 5.2) from:

    Integer types with predefined widths cannot have packed
    array dimensions declared. These types are: byte,
    shortint, int, longint, and integer.


    There is one exception to the rules for packed array
    syntax.  A variable declaration whose data type is the
    predefined type "integer" followed by a single
    dimensional range is interpreted as a signed array of
    bits whose bounds are given by the range. That is, a
    variable declaration of the form:

        integer [msb:lsb] x;

    is equivalent to:

        logic signed [msb:lsb] x;

Or if you don't like that, how about this:

    There is one exception to the rules for packed array
    syntax.  A variable declaration whose data type is the
    predefined type "integer" followed by a single
    dimensional range is an error.

Received on Mon Apr 25 06:24:15 2005

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