[sv-bc] .* port instanti

From: Rakesh Gulati <rakesh_at_.....>
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 05:58:01 PDT

  In the example below,  I am passing the the interface instance using 
.* port connections, but i am trying to catch the modport for the 
interface instance i1. As per IEEE P1800 D4 instance portname and  type 
should match. So

1. A interface instance and its modports are of equivalent type.
2. Interface instance is equivalent to generic interface type

or we should consider that a interface is having no type and hence no 
such check is required.


`timescale 1ns/1ns

interface intf(input clk, output int count);
  modport m1(import task doincr(input int incr),output count);
  modport m2(output count, import getincr);
  modport m3(output count, export task doincr(input int incr));
  modport m4(export function int getincr(input int count, incr));

module modport4(input clk, output int count[1:0]);
intf i1(clk, count[0]), i2(clk, count[1]);
leaf inst(.i2(i2.m2), .*);

module leaf(input clk, intf.m1 i1, interface i2);
Received on Tue May 31 05:55:19 2005

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