[sv-bc] Is '1 > 1 ?

From: Greg Jaxon <Greg.Jaxon_at_.....>
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 17:22:53 PDT
In regard to

> ’0, ’1, ’X, ’x, ’Z, ’z

P1800 says:

> In a self-determined context these literals have a width of 1 bit,
> and the value is treated as unsigned.

This leaves me curious about how they behave in context-determined
settings.  In particular, as an operand of ">", or anywhere that
the signedness of the operands informs the context, do these literals
"poison" the signed waters by being an unsigned term in the expression?

Or does the leading ' indicate that they conform in BOTH width and
signedness to the context that uses them?

Greg Jaxon
Received on Fri Jun 10 17:22:58 2005

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