Hi, I started reading the last P1800 draft in an orderly manner, and have a few minor comments on what I have studied so far. * General: In Syntax Boxes, not all footnotes are hypertext links. * Syntax 3-1 should contain primary_literal and unbased_unsized_literal. * 4.1, 1st para., last sentence: "so that it is not be" should be "so that it not be". * In 4.9, "User-defined types", I found the following paragraph and its example unclear: ""User-defined type identifiers have the same scoping rules as data identifiers, except that hierarchical reference to type identifiers shall not be allowed. References to type identifiers defined within an interface through ports are allowed provided they are locally re-defined before being used." interface intf_i; typedef int data_t; endinterface module sub(intf_i p) typedef p.data_t my_data_t; my_data_t data; // type of 'data' will be int when connected to interface above endmodule * p.data_t certainly looks like a hierarchical reference. Is the 2nd sentence in the paragraph intended to state an exception to the rule in the 1st sentence? If so, it should say so explicitly. * Also, the 2nd sentence mentions local redefinition of the type identifier. Is the line "typedef p.data_t my_data_t;" intended to express this? If so, the sentence is unclearly worded. I would say that the line defines my_data_t, not re-defines p.data_t. * BTW, should not there be a ";" at the end of the "module sub(intf_i p)" line? * 4.9, 3rd to last paragraph: This paragraph mentions "coupled definitions". Is this term defined? * 4.10, "Enumerations": The last example on p. 23 is as follows: // Syntax error: IDLE=2'b00, XX=2'bx, S1=??, S2=?? enum integer {IDLE, XX='x, S1, S2} state, next; Since the enum is of integer type, then the preceding comment, which shows the enum names to be 2-bit vectors, looks wrong, copied from the 2nd previous example. * 4.10, top of p.24: It states, "It shall be an error if incrementing the previous value causes an overflow within the significant digits of the enumerated type." What are "significant digits" in this context? Is it defined? Is there a difference between this sentence and the one a few lines down, "Any enumeration encoding value that is outside the representable range of the enum shall be an error."? The latter is much clearer. * 4.10, p.24: "If an automatically incremented value is assigned elsewhere in the same enumeration, this shall be a syntax error." (It may be an error, but I don't think it is an error of SYNTAX.) Is it an error to explicitly assign the same value to two enum names? It does not seem to say. Either way, it should be explicit. * 4.10, last sentence: "Like C, there is no overloading of literals, so medal and medal4 cannot be defined in the same scope." I looked a long time for 'medal' and did not find it. Finally, this morning, I by chance noticed that 'medal' appears at the top of the page, far before this sentence, so when the reader gets to this sentence, he does not see 'medal' at all. Thanks, Shalom
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