[sv-bc] Is member of recursive task/function hierarchically referred?

From: Surya Pratik Saha <spsaha_at_.....>
Date: Mon Jan 30 2006 - 02:44:17 PST
In 1364-2001 LRM, section 12.4, it is mentioned:

At the top of the name hierarchy are the names of one or more root modules of
which no instances have been
created.This root or these parallel root modules make up one or more hierarchies
in a design description or
description .Inside any module,each module instance (including an arrayed or
generated instance),task def-
inition,function definition,and named begin-end or fork-join block shall define
a new branch of the
hierarchy.Named blocks within named blocks and within tasks and functions shall
create new branches.
Only non-recursively referenced automatic tasks and/or functions create visible
branches that can be refer-
enced.Recursively called tasks and functions,declared using the automatic
keyword and recursively called
from within the same task or function,do not create visible branches that can be
referenced.See 10.2.1 and
10.3.1 for a discussion of automatic tasks and functions.

What I can understand, the member of a directly recursive task/function is not
allowed to be hierarchically referenced. If it is mutually recursive, then the
member can be hierarchically referred unless the task/function is automatic.

It is already mentioned, any member of automatic task/function can not be
hierarchically referred.

So is the member of a directly recursive task/function allowed to be
hierarchically referred, if the task/function is not automatic. If yes, then why
recursiveness is discussed here.

For e.g., is the following test case legal?
module tb;
   dut dut();
   initial $dumpvars();

   module dut(input clk, input d, output reg [7:0] q);

      //{remote href,local href, not} X {user dotted, implicit dotted}

      reg [7:0] \t1.local ; // capture?
      reg [7:0] \literal.local ;

      function inc (input [7:0] a);
         reg [7:0] incprev;
            if (a==0)  begin
              if (d) incprev=0;
               // else reuse global incprev
            else incprev=inc(a-1)+1;
            inc = incprev;

      task t1 (output [7:0] out, input [7:0] in);
         reg [7:0] local;
            if (in[0]) local=in>>1;

      always @(posedge clk) begin
         t1(\t1.local , inc(4));
         q = \t1.local + \literal.local + t1.local + inc.incprev;


Received on Mon Jan 30 02:38:21 2006

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