[sv-bc] Doug's 1364 issues

From: Warmke, Doug <doug_warmke_at_.....>
Date: Sun Apr 09 2006 - 23:32:01 PDT
Matt, SV-BC,

Here is the status of my pot of 1364 issues.
I took care of setting up Type, Severity, and Priority on all these:

1189 - Enhancement, major, reduce arithmetic operators X-pessimism.
Great discussions on X.
1190 - Enhancement, major, reduce relational operators X-pessimism.
Similarly great.
1191 - Already Resolved (add wildcards for equality operators)
1192 - Enhancement, extend index to cover 1364-2001 enhancements
1193 - Enhancement, extend index to cover 1364-2005 enhancements
1194 - Erratum, text, assigned, confusing 12.2 wording, proposal
1195 - Enhancement, minor, proposed separate compilation regime
1196 - Enhancement, minor, proposed compiler directive for user-defined
1197 - Enhancement, minor, promote [] to a first-class operator,e.g.
1198 - Propose closing as resolved by SystemVerilog "interface"
1199 - Propose closing as resolved by $error et al.
1200 - Propose closing as resolved by SVA constructs
1201 - Enhancement, minor, proposed part select for struct elements
1202 - Enhancement, minor, enhance preprocessor directives / provide
1203 - Propose closing as resolved by SV cover directives
1204 - Enhancement, minor, add List of Figures, Tables, Syntaxes

In Summary:

Propose email vote on 1194.
Propose closing 1198, 1199, 1200, 1203 as already resolved by current
Suggest assigning 1192, 1193, 1204 to LRM Editor once she/he is

Matt - Can you please add these proposals to your agenda, either for
this meeting
or the next?

Thanks and regards,
Received on Sun Apr 9 23:32:06 2006

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