Re: [sv-bc] 12.4.5 Optional argument list - question

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Mon Apr 17 2006 - 11:42:01 PDT
>From: "R.S.Nikhil" <>
>I agree fully with the sentiment, but I thought
>that this "feature" of optional parentheses was for backward
>compatibility with Verilog.

No.  Functions without arguments are illegal in Verilog (perhaps
as an attempt to discourage "impure" functions).  There is no
backward compatibility issue with Verilog here.

There are consistency arguments that can be made.  Verilog tasks
calls with no arguments omit the parens, and calls to the few
system functions that have no arguments also omit the parens.
But neither of these cases is syntactically ambiguous.  We could
also allow optional empty parens in these cases, if desired for
greater consistency in syntax.

>Also, some people have argued that when b and c are object
>members (i.e., m.b+m.c) they want to hide the fact whether
>b and c are actually variables or functions. (Personally
>I'm not sympathetic to that argument).

Neither am I.  As Gord has pointed out, the object oriented
languages in most common use don't allow this, and it doesn't
seem to have created a problem.  Similar arguments in VHDL led
to syntactic ambiguity between function calls and array indexing,
which has caused far more harm than benefit.

As time goes on, we find more problems being caused by allowing
this syntactic ambiguity.  The most recent is Gord's email about
system tasks that accept scopes as arguments, and the inability
to distinguish whether a function name in that context is intended
as a scope or a function call.  We should stop this before it gets
any worse.

Steven Sharp
Received on Mon Apr 17 11:42:11 2006

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